2024-05-07 12:41:19
Some people suffer from a constant feeling of hunger, which prompts them to overeat and causes many health and psychological problems, according to experts who spoke to the British newspaper “The Telegraph”.
One of the most important factors that leads to the desire to eat is an imbalance in the hormone ghrelin, known as the “hunger hormone,” the elevation of which leads to an urgent desire to eat.
In order for the brain to feel full, it must receive messages about it from the hormone leptin (known as the satiety hormone). In this regard, Giles Yu, an obesity expert and professor of molecular neuroendocrinology at the University of Cambridge, says that not feeling properly full after eating “is not an innate moral failure, but rather a hormonal contradiction.”
Another thing that leads to overeating, according to the Cleveland Clinic medical website, is psychological stress, as it prompts the body to produce cortisol, which increases appetite and leads to overeating.
In addition, cortisol increases the desire to eat foods high in sugar and fat, which may satisfy hunger but do not have much nutritional benefit.
Boredom, according to the same site, leads to an increased desire to eat, as a way to get rid of disturbing thoughts and feelings.
Eating during periods of boredom and boredom can turn into a habit, as one finds that eating a meal is much easier than searching for an activity or work that occupies one’s mind.
In the same context, the “Al-Tibbi” website indicates that there are some types of medications and medications that may increase the desire to eat and the constant feeling of hunger.
Among these medications are:
Antihistamines that treat allergies.
Antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Steroids such as prednisone.
Some medications to treat type 2 diabetes, such as insulin.
Antipsychotic medications.
Medications to treat high blood pressure, such as beta blockers.
Contraceptive pills.
Beware of lack of sleep
According to a report by the Telegraph newspaper, if you eat too much, this means that you need more sleep, as lack of it may cause an increase in the hormone ghrelin.
In this regard, nutrition expert Pauline Cox said: “A 15 percent increase in our hunger hormone and a 15 percent decrease in our satiety hormone can be observed with lack of sleep.”
For her part, Dr. Megan Rossi advises against eating quickly, and chewing as slowly as possible, adding: “People who chew more get fewer calories.”
She noted that food “arrives in the stomach in separate batches, due to the lack of speed in chewing, and thus this helps to feel full.”
Experts also advise against eating in inappropriate situations, such as driving a car, because eating will then be done quickly, and a sufficient feeling of fullness may not occur.
As for nutritionist, Abigail Green, she advises her clients that instead of worrying about abstaining from eating foods they are addicted to, she says: “Always think about what you can add to your meal, instead of what you can remove.”
She continued: “Add more nutritious things to your snack. For example, if you want to eat potato chips, eat pieces of vegetables or fruit with them.”
She continued: “When foods such as potatoes or Indomie, and other foods that a person may be addicted to, are combined with nutritious and beneficial substances, you will feel more full, especially if protein, fiber, and healthy fats are added.”
Doctors also advise eating a lot of foods that contain fiber, as in addition to its health benefits, it gives a feeling of fullness for a long time with fewer calories.
A common mistake, according to Cox, is trying to avoid eating whole milk, yogurt, and butter, for fear that our bodies will acquire more fat.
“When our essential fatty acids are low, not only do we suffer from constant hunger, even if we eat all the time, but we also suffer from mood and thinking problems,” she explained.
Some nutrition experts also advise eating sweets immediately after the main meal, in order to reduce high blood sugar, as eating sweets after a meal break increases the feeling of hunger later.
Among the things that some experts also advise is not to eat food just because you start feeling hungry, but rather to wait a longer period, because this helps you enjoy the food more and taste it better.
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2024-05-07 12:41:19