The 4 important harms of eating quickly

by time news

2024-04-08 18:32:46

Why did we eat so fast?

Today’s system is designed to consume everything and is a system based on consumption thus threatening human life and health. This system affects all aspects of our lives, including our emotions, behaviors, tastes and lifestyle in general. And it is based on consuming everything quickly. That’s why it leads us to get bored quickly, to change the “old” for the new and also to always be running. When we analyze the topic in this discussion, we see that to keep up with this fast lifestyle, people tend to eat food quickly as well.

Does eating quickly make you gain weight?

However, this habit of eating quickly also leads to several health problems. And among these problems, the main thing is unbalanced weight gain. Much research shows us that not only overeating or a poor diet, but also eating quickly without chewing enough contributes to weight gain. In addition to causing weight gain, eating quickly leads to more serious health problems as well.

It is a well-known fact that fast eating is one of the contributing factors to the stomach and intestinal diseases manifested today. The habit of eating quickly affects the quality of meals, since foods that are easy to swallow reach the stomach without being completely digested and in large pieces. If we act against the information that digestion begins in the mouth and send food to the stomach in large pieces, without chewing, the food will not be ready for digestion. This will cause the stomach to have to work extra hard and eventually get tired. This can lead to the stomach having to exert additional effort and therefore becoming fatigued. This can cause problems such as indigestion, heartburn, bloating, and abdominal pain.

What are the harms of eating fast?

4 important harms of eating quickly:

1- Eating quickly makes us eat more.

When we start to eat, in approximately 20 minutes the hunger hormone called ghrelin is suppressed and the satiety hormone called leptin begins to be secreted.

These hormones determine our behavior. For example, when the hormone leptin begins to be secreted, it sends a signal to the brain that we are full and stop eating.

However, it takes at least 20 minutes for these signals to reach the brain. By eating quickly, we cannot realize that we are eating more than necessary in the time it takes for the satiety signal to reach the brain. This leads us to eat more than necessary to feel full.

For example, in a study of 261 children between the ages of 7 and 9, it was found that 60% of fast eaters ate significantly more than other children.

Additionally, in another study conducted with 45 people between 18 and 45 years old, participants were asked to eat by chewing in 3 different ways and eating until they were full:

In the first normal chewing,
The second 50% more than normal,
And the third double the normal amount.
Participants consumed 9.5% fewer calories when they chewed 50% more than normal and 14.8% fewer calories when they chewed twice as much as normal.

2- The habit of eating quickly increases the risk of obesity.

The reasons for obesity are genetic factors, some medications, the interaction of metabolism with certain foods, lack of sleep, inactivity. And, most importantly, consume more calories than you expend. Consuming more calories than necessary is the habit of eating quickly and the consequent lack of satiety signals that reach the brain.

Eating quickly is in itself a potential risk factor for excess weight and obesity. In an 8-year study examining the weight changes of 529 men, it was found that fast eaters gained twice as much weight as those who ate at a normal or slow pace.

Body mass index is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared.

Am I obese?

We can understand if we are obese or not with an evaluation system called Body Mass Index. The Body Mass Index (BMI), which evaluates obesity, is an evaluation system that does not vary by sex. Body mass index is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared.

3- Increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes that is usually seen in people over 40 years of age. It means that the blood sugar level rises because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the insulin produced is not used properly.

In several studies among people with type 2 diabetes, a relationship has been found between eating quickly and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In these studies, it has been determined that people who eat quickly are more than twice as likely to develop diabetes type 2 compared to those who eat slowly.

4- Damages the health of the stomach and intestines.

By eating quickly, we swallow large pieces of food without chewing, which leads to overeating due to the delayed signal of satiety hormones, as mentioned above.

When we swallow food without chewing completely and in large chunks, digestion time is prolonged, which puts extra strain on the stomach and intestines and can lead to stomach and intestinal problems.

Furthermore, when eating quickly, it is inevitable to swallow air along with food, which causes gas problems and bloating.

What can we do to slow down eating?

It is known that eating quickly is a problem of our time. However, we often have the solution for that too.

For example, we can establish the habit of eating as a family at home outside of working hours and keep electronic devices, such as television, mobile phone and computer, away from the table. By chatting with family members while we eat, we slow down the speed of eating and allow satiety hormones to send signals to the brain. Thus, we comply with the most important condition of healthy eating: eat only what is necessary and chew.

Furthermore, meals in which the whole family eats together, even if it is not possible to do so all the time, strengthen our happiness by making us feel the presence of others.

If eating as a family is not possible, simply keep electronic devices such as television, computer and mobile phone away from the table. Focus only on the food in front of you. You will see that when you stop using cutlery after each bite during the chewing process in your mouth, your eating speed will slow down considerably.

He takes his food in small bites. Try not to swallow a bite without chewing it 20 to 30 times before putting it in your mouth.

Also remember that drinking a glass of water about 15-20 minutes before meals can benefit digestion.

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Created: 04/08/2024 20:04

This information should never replace a doctor’s opinion. If you have any questions, consult with professionals.

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