Recycling outside the home is easier than you think

by time news

2023-09-11 10:21:21

Updated Monday, September 11, 2023 – 10:21

Many citizens have continued separating packaging this summer thanks to the containers installed on beaches, hotels or natural parks. A key habit to reduce the plastic that reaches nature

Containers to recycle at the Oceanogrfic of Valencia.ECOEMBES

In recent decades, society has evolved to integrate recycling as an everyday gesture. Statistics confirm that it is already one of the most widespread environmental habits among Spanish households: four out of every five citizens declare that they separate their packaging at home, according to the study Habits of the Spanish Population regarding recycling carried out by the Catchment Institute for Ecoembes (the organization that manages the recycling of packaging through the yellow and blue containers in Spain).

And ensuring that these customs continue in holiday destinations and during leisure time in the towns where we live is equally important: according to an investigation led by the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) published at the end of 2020, 80% of the garbage found on Mediterranean beaches originates from tourism.

Therefore, it is likely that this summer you have noticed greater ease in recycling both in hotels and on beaches or natural parks in our geography. To promote the separation, collection and revaluation of waste, more than 623,000 yellow and blue containers have been installed on the streets throughout the country, in addition to more than 500,000 litter bins and buckets on beaches, leisure parks and natural parks.

If you are in the middle of nature, you can store your waste until you find a space to throw it away. On the other hand, It is not necessary to wash them before placing them in the bucket, which makes the task even easier. Likewise, more and more municipalities throughout Spain are part of RECICLOS, the Return and Reward System (SDR) launched by Ecoembes that is already integrated into more than 24,000 yellow containers and has more than 180 machines in places such as shopping centers. and train stations.

Keep landscapes free of litter

Keeping natural spaces free of garbage is a cause that concerns us all. To fight against this accumulation of waste, the LIBERA project was launched five years ago, a collaboration between the environmental NGO SEO/BirdLife and Ecoembes. To begin with, the initiative gave a name to a serious and little-known problem, creating the concept of garbage to define the waste generated by humans that are later abandoned in natural spaces (butts, containers, wrappers, etc.).

The project has also multiplied initiatives to study its impact, the places where it accumulates the most, its types and variants. Information with which they have been able to design awareness campaigns to raise awareness among citizens and help tackle the problem. Because maintaining this attitude throughout the year, including in summer, contributes enormously to reducing the footprint of waste that reaches nature.

Generate less waste

With the heat, hydration is a fundamental element for health. So it is normal that during the holidays more plastic bottles and soft drinks are consumed, although more and more citizens choose to bring their own bottles or canteens to refill them at fountains. Furthermore, in many establishments they are beginning to use a system of lockers for glasses and bottles and to opt for sustainable packaging, which ensures less waste generation. “Thanks to the great monitoring of recycling and the commitment to sustainable consumption and living, “More and more shops, bars and restaurants are choosing to include reusable packaging.”, they explain from Ecoembes. “This also encourages the habit of reduction and conscious consumption; the packaging is easier to recycle and also has a longer useful life.”

Correctly separate containers

In any case, plastic containers continue to be one of the most common elements in the summer season, because the consumption of other typical seasonal products such as sun creams also grows. That is why it is especially important that, in addition to trying to reduce the volume of waste generated, we ensure that the maximum amount is going to be reused. From Ecoembes the campaign has been launched #LosEnvasesDelSummerAlwaysVanAlAmarillo to raise awareness of the importance of this practice, especially at this time of year.

For example, in the case of sun cream, these containers must be deposited in the yellow container, while the box goes to the blue cardboard box. In the same way, you have to be careful with another of the most common summer waste, tubs and ice cream wrappers: you have to look at their labeling, if it is paper or cardboard you must deposit it in the blue container and if it is be plastic in yellow.

Consult in case of doubt

This will prevent you from making some of the most common mistakes in waste separation. For example, with some of the typical beach objects, such as toys – shovels, rakes, etc. -, umbrellas or chairs that often end up by mistake in the yellow container, to which they do not belong, even though their composition is plastic. or metal. Actually, the first reflex should be to prolong their useful life: give them away or donate them and, in case of deterioration, try to repair them. if this is not possible, they must be deposited in a clean point.

In this sense, AIRE, the intelligent virtual assistant created by Ecoembes, is available to help citizens with their queries about waste separation. “It is positive to think that more and more people consider knowing for sure where to throw the waste they generate and not only that, but also those that we do not use annually and are specific to a certain time of the year,” the organization points out. , which points out that plastic, glass or metal containers, along with wooden objects, are among those that raise the most doubts among Spaniards.

Circular Economy Series carried out in collaboration with the Ecoembes organization.

#Recycling #home #easier

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