Redesign: we take the same (or almost) and we start again

by time news

2023-08-13 14:30:00

EDITORIAL – Remember. When, during his first term, Emmanuel Macron replaced Laura Flessel, the double Olympic gold medalist fencer, with Roxana Maracineanu, the Olympic swimming champion, as Minister of Sports, many of us thought that it was actually a stroke of the sword in the water. In other words, window dressing. Let us specify, perlimpinpin in this case, this powder.

The ministerial reshuffle, carried out on Thursday July 20, 2023, may have been more substantial, but it is nonetheless a new game of musical chairs, which has the advantage of allowing a few additional friends to benefit from the famous saying “once a minister, always a minister”. Namely: the substantial emolument of full retirement cumulative with the others, from which any minister benefits if he has been in office for a minimum of six months.

Indeed, first Elisabeth Borne is maintained in the post of Prime Minister, this while her disappearance from the Government would have been applauded as warmly as she was booed vehemently during her last trips to France. And the same in Parliament.

And secondly, although many French people are hypnotized by the holding of the Olympic Games next year in France, do the gentlemen and ladies who replace the outgoing ministers inspire them with as much confidence as Kaa, the serpent of the jungle book ?

In any case, this is what I was able to see by surveying the people around me and my acquaintances: there are fewer and fewer “radicalized” Macronians. So maybe this explains it a bit. And that this survey to this is hardly more representative, truly, of reality, than a peremptory assertion of an “expert” of BFMTV.

My editorial colleagues France-Evening have been busy commenting on this cabinet reshuffle in a serious way so I will try here to do so with humor. This by combining all the same some small indications, opinions resulting from elements of obvious facts.

Exit François Braun because, it’s true, he was boring. A sentence in the hair, says a coach in crap puns, but this one, I had to do it! To which, impresario that he is also from the Compagnie Créole (an information however to be verified), he asks me to add that, boring that he showed himself as a customs officer, François Braun was replaced as for him by Aurelien Rousseau.

According to Jean Lassalle, the replacement of Jean-Christophe Combe by Dawn Berger was decided at daybreak.

According to Hugh Hefner, it’s not because she posed in Playboy that Marlène Schiappa has been replaced by a Isabelle with whom, on occasion, great traveler that she is, can go and spend a weekend in Romewith or without Etienne Daho.

No. If our self-proclaimed icon of licentiousness, author of the indescribable masterpiece Dare to love rounds found herself on the bench, it is because in her management of the Marianne Fund she would have been a little too supportive with a few friends in need. And because on this occasion, of course, she did social work, but on the other hand, oh no! LillyMarlene did not do in the economy: two and a half million euros.

These euros have made people happy. Nevertheless, as Lino Ventura aptly points out in don’t get angryto a Michel Constantin who just made a bad joke:

“I’m not criticizing the farce side, but on the fair play side there might be something to complain about.”

Then, according to this time an Alain Delon who knows about it because he interpreted the star role of the film, let’s hope that the eviction of Monsieur Klein does not proceed from the anti-Semitism which is rising, it seems, in the city, the ministry for which he was in charge.

Definitely back in the West Indies where “he hits bamboo and it does him good”, Philippe of the same name (all attached) confirms. From the West Indies where, on the other hand, he will no longer have the leisure to meet Jean-François Careno. In any case not in the exercise of his functions as Minister of Overseas. Indeed, this one was replaced by another Philippe, named him Vigiera centrist MP “whose local elected officials point to his lack of expertise in the territories and this sudden appointment, after the presentation of a plan for the overseas territories”we could read in 20 Minutes, information therefore also to be verified. And rather twice than once, André Bercoff whispers to me!

Shame on those who rejoice at the ousting of Pap Ndiaye, expelled from the National Education because, they say, plans for “explicitly advanced” sex education courses from kindergarten, given to our children by people with for single garment one feather stuff so indecent, that even Line Renaud, carpet said, could demand their incarceration. Shame on them and so much the better if it shocks them, that the aforementioned Emmanuel Macron appointed him, there, Ambassador of France to Europe: everyone is entitled to a second chance, damn it!

Moreover, I add this, this time to the attention of those who, conversely, claim that his replacement, Gabriel Attal, could not do worse: Ah good ?!

Former Minister for People with Disabilities, Geneviève Darrieussecq was replaced, not by a Numidian (“Never speak curtly to a Numidian”, Asterix: the domain of the gods), but by Fadila “Khattabi”: in scrabble they lose a bit.

Former Secretary of State for Youth and Universal Service, Sarah El Haïry yellow for having been replaced by a Prisca Thévenot, a surname around which, sorry, I did not find any mind fart worthy of inclusion here. The same goes for Patrice Vergriete, new Minister of Housing and Bérangère Couillard Minister for Gender Equality.

And although putting Minister of Gender Equality a so-called Couillard is in line with the wokism that Emmanuel Macron strives to impose on us as a norm, hats off to the artist: you had to dare!

As for Thomas Cazeneuve, new minister delegate to the boss of Bercy, the irremovable Bruno Lemaire, member of the Council of State, former director of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) for Île-de-France, ex – director of cabinet of Élisabeth Borne, his sister is Marguerite Cazeneuve who is the wife of Aurélien Rousseau, new Minister of Health.

Madame was director of health insurance, and above all adviser to Jean Castex and Emmanuel Macron for the pension reform. And his brother-in-law, Pierre Cazeneuve, was also an adviser to the Élysée, and he is now a deputy in the 7th district of Hauts-de-Seine.

In short, a formidable family emblematic of endogamy* of which Macronie can be proud. (1)

*“Endogamy: feminine name. SOCIOLOGY: obligation, for the members of certain tribes, to marry in their own tribe (opposed to exogamy).”

#Redesign #start

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