reduced speed of 10km / h in Île-de-France this Friday

by time news

Airparif predicts “a probable overrun of the threshold set at 180 µg/m³” of ozone pollution.

Paris police chief Didier Lallement asked road users to reduce the maximum speed of their vehicles by 10 km/h on Friday in Ile-de-France due to an episode of “ozone pollution“, he said Thursday in a press release. “In order to reduce the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere“, the prefect asks to reduce by 10km/h”the speed of vehicles throughout the Île-de-France region“, he added.

«Prioritize public transport»

For this episode of ozone pollution, Airparif, which monitors air quality in Ile-de-France, plans on Friday “probable exceeding of the threshold set at 180 µg/m³“, according to the text. The prefect of police also asks to “defer road travel in Ile-de-France if possible“, of “favor carpooling, public transport networks and active modes of travel (walking, cycling, etc.)» or companies to adapt the «home-work travel (mobility plan, telework, adaptation of schedules, etc.)».

He also recommendstake care not to aggravate the effects of this pollution by the practice of activities emitting polluting substances“. Ozone can causeeye irritation, coughing and lung problems, especially in children and people with asthma“, specifies the prefecture.

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