Refusal to comply in Paris: the police open fire to stop the Mercedes driver

by time news

A driver, aged around 30, was arrested this Wednesday, January 4 in Paris (15th century), after a chase with the police started rue Saint-Denis (2nd).

Around 2:30 p.m. the police tried to control a blue Mercedes in the center of Paris. The car takes off at breakneck speed in a westerly direction with the bikers hot on its heels. The chase lasts about ten minutes.

The police officers of the anti-crime brigade of the 15th century set up a roadblock to stop the fugitive. “He’s crazy, this guy, explains a witness. We saw him arrive on the platform while the cars were all stopped. He got on the sidewalks. He slalomed between vehicles, hitting them before crashing into a bus! »

The motives for the driver’s escape still unknown

When the police approached to arrest him, the madman tried to flee. He was finally stopped in rue Cauchy by a motorcyclist who hit his leg. “Despite a broken ankle, he still tried to resist before being overpowered,” said a source close to the case.

For now, the motives for the driver’s escape are still unknown. He was taken to the hospital to be examined. When his state of health permits, he will be interviewed by police investigators.

During the first findings, the police discovered two bullet holes on the bodywork. According to our information, the police fired six times at the car to force it to stop.

Mortal precedents

During the year 2022 in the capital, three refusals to comply resulted in the death of the occupants of fleeing cars. On October 14, a driver was killed, avenue de la porte de Vincennes (XIIe) by an official who felt threatened because the car would have started in his direction.

On June 5, a young 21-year-old passenger was killed by police fire in the Barbès-Rochechouart district (18th century), while the fleeing driver threatened their life.

And on the night of April 24 to 25 on the Pont-Neuf, two young men who were trying to flee a control were killed by bullets from a machine gun.

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