Regional Internet providers found a circumvention of the law “On Communications”

by time news

Internet operators in the regions have learned to circumvent the requirements of the law “On Communications” and the “Yarovaya Law”, Vedomosti found out. They register consumer Internet cooperatives (PIKs), which are not required to obtain a license, install systems of operational-search activities (SORM) and store subscriber traffic. Cooperatives provide Internet access services by buying traffic from major telecom operators.

According to the SPARK-Interfax database, only for 2020-2021. at least five PIKs were registered, Vedomosti discovered: Mercury (registered in Anapa), Expertcom (Belgorod), Internet Buyer (Moscow), Kootv (St. Petersburg) and Elit-TV “(Rostov).

Formally, such PIKs carry out non-commercial activities, Dmitry Galushko, CEO of the law firm Ordercom, explains: all contributions from subscriber members go to PIK’s expenses, including the purchase of Internet traffic from large operators, service maintenance, etc. But in reality PIKs perform the function of an operator, providing Internet access services to their customers, he clarifies.

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