Replacement culture: the fight against dissent has reached the film “Irony of Fate”

by time news

“For an actor, the most terrible punishment is oblivion,” the people’s chosen one argues in her telegram channel. “The actress Brylska, once beloved by the whole country, made her choice by calling her fans “God-damned people.” Our country gave her glory and honor, but we also we can easily erase this actress from the “Irony of Fate”. Below I will show how the film can look without an actress thanks to a neural network. I replaced her with Valentina Talyzina. “

Let us clarify that Barbara Brylska expressed support for the actress Leah Akhedzhakova, who was suspended from work in the theater because of her political position: “Of course, she needs to leave. They will not let her live, these communists, God-damned people.” These words, as can be understood with a literal reading, referred to those who arranged and who support this ban on the profession. In other words, bullying.

But everyone understands, as they say, to the extent of their depravity. Zanko clearly took it personally. Her right. But a State Duma deputy has, in addition to rights, duties. A servant of the people, no matter how bitter the offense inflicted on him, cannot, must not go beyond the limits of adequacy in a vengeful rage. And here it’s not just a way out, but downright a gypsy with a way out. Dance on the bones of common sense.

“Our country gave her fame and honor,” writes Zanko, thus showing that he knows neither the history of the film’s creation nor the biography of the actress. She became a star long before the release of the “Irony of Fate” screens. It is known that the director of the film, Eldar Ryazanov, chose Brylskaya after he saw her in the sensational Polish film Anatomy of Love.

Soviet and Russian productions are a relatively small part of the actress’s filmography. Even if you “erase” it from there, it will somehow survive. For the Russian cinema, the losses will be, I think, much more serious. After all, it will be necessary to remake not only the Irony of Fate and the Irony of Fate 2, but also, for example, Yuri Ozerov’s epic film Liberation: Brylskaya’s character, the Polish underground anti-fascist Helena, is present in three films of the epic out of five.

Perhaps the deputy Zanko has not yet enriched her cultural baggage by watching Ozerovsky’s “Liberation”. Otherwise, I would certainly have offered to replace Brylskaya with someone there. Yes, and about the “Irony of Fate” the deputy, it seems, has not yet said her last word. Not only Brylska here, according to the logic of Zanko, needs to be replaced. The same Akhedzhakova, whom the “turbopatriotic” public has long demanded to be recognized as a foreign agent, no less “deserves” to be “erased.” Like Alla Pugacheva, in whose voice Nadya Sheveleva, the heroine of Brylskaya, sings.

“Zhenya Lukashin”, Andrei Myagkov, who died in 2021, would also not have passed the security check: he repeatedly stated his disagreement with the position of the authorities. Including (and above all) – on the Ukrainian issue. And from the point of view of “turbopatriots” there is nowhere to put a stigma on the director at all: Eldar Ryazanov (died in 2015) spoke out against the wise domestic and foreign policy of the authorities as often and loudly as he could.

In general, the “Russophobe” sits on the “Russophobe” in the film and drives the “Russophobe”. It is clear that the content of such a work also cannot please Mrs. Zanko and other ladies and gentlemen of the guardians. Here, for example, is what such a recognized guardian of bonds, as Metropolitan Mark (Golovkov) of Ryazan and Mikhailovsky, thinks about this:

“It seems that there is nothing bad in this film by Eldar Ryazanov. But in fact, the idea that is hidden in the basis of this film is certainly not positive. What is the meaning, what is the idea of ​​this film? miracle: the protagonist has found his true love.

First, this finding of a new love is built on betrayal – on the betrayal of his bride. And on the other hand, the most important thing: Christianity, the church calls people to work, constant work on themselves. We say that you need to work on yourself, that any result is the result of constant work.

And here – a completely different picture: in order for a miracle to happen, labor is not needed. You can just meet, sit, get drunk. And the miracle will happen by itself. This idea, of course, is a harmful idea. An idea that fills the soul of a person with false, unrealizable dreams.

In general, there are so many “loosenesses” that it is still surprising that the film has not yet been banned. There is the current leader of the film distribution, the film “Cheburashka”, it seems to be a much more innocent work, and even it causes gnashing of teeth in some of Zanko’s especially vigilant colleagues. Deputy Dmitry Pevtsov calls “Cheburashka” a product of “transhumanist ideology”, “poison”, “monstrous sabotage” and, finally, “a time bomb against Russian children.”

But perhaps the omission will be corrected soon. “When the number of people who have turned their backs on their country at such a difficult time and who have played in one picture increases, it is much easier not to show such a picture,” reads one of the comments on Zanko’s post outlining her idea. “Moreover, the values ​​that are in it is laid down in places extremely unhealthy and inadequate.

And in fact: why fence the garden? In addition, it is still unknown how the church will look at the use of neural networks. Well, how can they say that this is not from God, but from the Devil? It is better, from sin, not to complicate. However, there are suggestions in the commentary feed that simplify things even more. Like this: “Maybe it’s easier to replace Zanko with someone sane?”

Of course, today such an idea seems utopian. Today, Olga Nikolaevna looks absolutely irreplaceable: Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Development of Civil Society, Issues of Public and Religious Associations, Member of the Presidium of the General Council of United Russia, Chairman of the Central Council of Supporters of United Russia, and others, and others, and others. How and by whom can such a popular party functionary be replaced? Do not make me laugh.

Nevertheless, the commentator is certainly thinking in the right direction. Everything passes, sooner or later, and MP Zanko will definitely be replaced. And immediately sink into oblivion. Like the vast majority of her current colleagues. Moreover, no one’s thoughts will erase the traces of their activities from history and people’s memory. And those they are trying to erase, on the contrary, will be remembered.

Paradox? Not at all. The whole question is how to “inherit”. And is there, respectively, what to wash. No, after Zanko and her colleagues, some trace will also remain. But small and not quite hygienic – like what birds leave behind when they are full. And then wash it off.

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