Report: Iran has deployed civil defense systems throughout the country

by time news

Iran has deployed batteries of civil defense systems in 51 of its cities and towns “to thwart any possible foreign attack”, said today (Saturday) the Iranian Deputy Minister of Defense, General Mehdi Farhi. The civil defense batteries allow Iran’s military forces to “identify and monitor threats by using software around the clock according to the type of threat and risk,” he claimed.

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“These days, depending on the strength of countries, the form of battles has become more complicated,” Farhi said, adding that hybrid forms of warfare, including cyber, biological and radioactive attacks, have replaced classic wars. Farhi did not specify the countries that could threaten Iran. In August of last year, Farhi said that Iran is expected to launch a new and more advanced version of the Bavar-373 advanced air defense system, which surpasses in its technology the advanced Russian air defense system 400 S.

Iran revealed the Bavar-373 during August 2019 after independently developing the system Bavar-373 in response to the ban imposed on Russia to export the HGN 300 S system to Iran and stated that it is capable of detecting 300 targets simultaneously, tracking 60 of them and intercepting 6 targets At the same time and even deal with attempts to block and

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