‘Rescuer in Need’ app Alzheimer Foundation

by time news

Wednesday was World Alzheimer’s Day. On this day we ask for extra attention for dementia. A great moment to announce that the Alzheimer Foundation in the Delft-Westland-Oostland region and Delta-N are working together on an app to help people with this disease. This “Rescuer in Need” app will be available for free in the App Stores later this year for single people in need of care in combination with their caregivers.

Some key features of the “Lifesaver” app:

• Set an alarm on the mobile phone at set times.

• The single person lets you know by pressing the ‘green button’ that everything is going well.

• If the button is not pressed in time, a message will be sent to a pre-specified group of contact persons/informal carers.

• The message contains a message along the lines of ‘I need you’.

• With the red button, the person in need can immediately send an emergency signal to the group; ‘HELP’.

• A message can be sent via the orange alert button, such as “Can you call me back when you have time”. This is less urgent.

• Via the group chat options, informal carers can mutually coordinate and fill in the support request.

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