“Rethinking the culture of orientation, this is where the future of children passes” – time.news

by time news

He is convinced of one thing: if in Italy there was more guidance culture – understood as a bridge between research, school and families – it could greatly affect the crucial fronts of school and university dropout. Not only that: companies could count on young professionals who have made a thoughtful and not improvised choice of their training path. Fiorenzo Galli, director of the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan, returns to stimulate the debate on the use in the cultural field of the funds of the Next Generation Eu for the post-pandemic recovery. In recent weeks, the PNRR – National Recovery and Resilience Plan, document with the guidelines with which Italy intends to spend the European billions – is completing the process between Parliament and the government, before being sent to the European Commission at the end of the month. Brussels.

For Galli, directing young people to the most suitable training for them a fundamental but neglected issue. It is precisely the cultural institutions that play the important role of connecting research and citizens, explains the director of the Milanese museum, flagship of scientific and technological dissemination in Italy with its 50 thousand square meters of surface, thousands of assets, the many workshops and interactive paths. Here at the Museum we have about fifteen workshops for orientation. We have for example the life-size model of the Vega vector of the European Space Agency or the exhibition Extreme on particle physics, in collaboration with the Infn (National Institute of Nuclear Physics). If a child has direct experiences, putting his hands on things, he can get an idea of ​​what interests him. An important orientation culture, but lacking in Italy. Neither the school nor the university run it. Here, our laboratories are the link between science, school and families. In general, institutions from any cultural sector can help children understand what they want to do with their future.

A role that does not end in itself: A well-done orientation helps a lot to overcome educational poverty and social discomfort, I am thinking of themes such as that of digital divide or gender imbalances in the scientific world. The tools that cultural institutions make available play a fundamental social role. This is why it is important to encourage cultural institutes and their collaborative networks that already exist, national and international. According to Galli, to manage the funds of the Next Generation it is neither necessary nor desirable to create new structures, seats and committees. These were the words he had written a couple of weeks ago, on March 30, when he sent an intervention to Corriere della Sera. I raise a fear – he underlines now – without wanting to carry out preventive processes, but to arouse attention: on an occasion like this, the resources, which exist, must not be used with the partition logic that we are used to seeing. But it must be an opportunity for a rethinking of the scenario and to see our country inserted in an international context.

For the director of the museum named after Leonardo da Vinci, one of the mechanisms that in the cultural field the National Recovery Plan should set in motion the cooperation between the public and private sectors. To do this, no new organisms are needed. Indeed, the bureaucracy that puts the handbrake must be dismantled. Collaborations work well if they are public participation but with a private logic. We need to run, to be agile, if we want to generate changes. Disassembling the old dynamics where they exist. Not only. The cultural world should also change its approach to the private sector. A change of perspective is also needed on the part of the institutions that deal with culture, explains Galli. Businesses should no longer be seen only as patrons who put money on the table, but rather as suppliers of skills as well. Here at the Museum, for example, we have the Cisco Co-innovation center.

The Museum of Science and Technology makes economic sustainability its own pillar, with a prevalence of private lenders and careful planning that made it possible to close even the terrible 2020 in balance. There are companies that understand how culture means two things. First of all, a general value that inspires people. Second: an element that affects the social side, the organization that people give themselves to live better.

April 16, 2021 (change April 16, 2021 | 21:11)

© Time.News


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