Ridderkerks Dagblad | Lecture ‘Grip on Parkinson’ in Wijkcentrum West

by time news

On Tuesday, October 18, a lecture about ‘Grip op Parkinson’ will take place in Wijkcentrum West, Boksdoornstraat 80. It lasts from 2 pm to 3.30 pm. The lecture is intended for carers, people with Parkinson’s and others who are interested.

There are more and more people with Parkinson’s. Science points to the important role of the gut in the development of Parkinson’s. Even if someone does not yet have stomach or intestinal complaints, the gastrointestinal tract appears to be inextricably linked to the development of Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s coach Geertje Boon talks about the role that food plays in the development of Parkinson’s. She also gives practical tips that you can apply immediately to tackle Parkinson’s complaints. These are intestinal complaints, but also other complaints that are often not associated with the intestines or nutrition. Her goal is for you to understand the relationship between what you eat, what it does in your gastrointestinal tract, and how it relates to Parkinson’s. Knowing this will help you make conscious choices, such as when to go grocery shopping.

The lecture is free. You can register via [email protected] or 0180 – 763 717. Do you want more information? Please contact Esther de Meza of Karaat Mantelzorg.

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