Risky towing maneuver started with burning freighter

by time news

2023-07-30 18:50:36

Burning freighter off the Dutch coast

Dutch rescue workers have started towing the burning cargo ship off the Dutch coast.

(Photo: dpa)

Terschelling, The Hague Dutch rescue workers have started towing the burning cargo ship off the Dutch coast. This was announced by the responsible water authority on Sunday. The “Fremantle Highway” is to be towed east from the island of Terschelling to the Wadden Sea island of Schiermonnikoog. It’s a risky venture, because the ship with around 3,800 cars on board is still burning – and if it breaks up or capsizes, there is a risk of environmental pollution.

It’s a risky venture, because the ship with around 3,800 cars on board is still burning – and if it breaks up or capsizes, there is a risk of environmental pollution.

Initially, the transport was called off due to excessive smoke and wind conditions. According to information from the authorities, the smoke has now decreased significantly, so that transport is now possible.

The new anchorage should be safer. The ship was previously north of the island of Terschelling, exactly between two very busy shipping routes to and from Germany. In addition, the place should be more sheltered from the wind. The water authority announced that the journey in the north of the Wadden Sea islands would take 12 to 14 hours. The freighter should then remain about 16 kilometers north of Schiermonnikoog until a port is found.

Everything is being done to prevent environmental damage, said the authority in The Hague. Several ships accompany the freighter, including a special ship that can clear oil. In addition, the freighter is stable despite the great heat and is also intact below the waterline.

The freighter was on its way from Bremerhaven to Singapore when fire broke out on Wednesday night. One person died during the evacuation of the crew. The source of the fire may have been the battery of an electric car. But that hasn’t been confirmed yet. The ship also had far more electric cars on board than previously reported, namely 500 instead of 25.

More: Car freighter in front of the Netherlands still on fire

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