Robert Geiss: Carmen organizes a surprise party – suddenly tears flow

by time news

Robert Geiss celebrated his 60th birthday on January 29th. The self-made millionaire had actually planned to go out for dinner with a few friends. A welcome distraction after the bitter neighborhood dispute that the family wages after purchasing property in St. Tropez. But he did the math without his wife Carmen. In the new episode “The Geissens – a terribly glamorous family” (Monday, February 5th at 8:15 p.m. on RTLZWEI), the 58-year-old pulls out all the stops to organize a huge surprise party for her husband. Robert had previously made it clear to her that he didn’t feel like it at all.

We show you how Robert Geiss reacted to his wife’s surprise and why tears even flowed in the video above.

On his 60th birthday, Robert Geiss reveals the highlight of his life

On the occasion of his 60th birthday, Robert Geiss spoke openly about his life in the interview. In his private life, one event in particular has left his mark on him forever: “From a family perspective, it was very clear when Davina and, a year later, Shania were born, after Carmen had already had nine miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. Then the first child, then what “What flesh and blood actually comes into the world was, of course, an absolute highlight at the end of the day.” For Robert, the births of his daughters after the severe blows of fate were the greatest happiness he could imagine.

But there was also a professional highlight. In the interview he says: “From a business perspective, it was certainly Uncle Sam’s sale.” In 1986, Robert founded the clothing brand together with his brother Michael. Nine years later, the siblings sold “Uncle Sam” for 120 million marks. Since then, Robert Geiss has been very successful in the real estate business, the food industry and the fashion business, among other things.

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