Robert Krmelj | Ambassador of Slovenia in Spain: “Slovenia is a springboard for Gipuzkoa’s business in Central Europe”

by time news

More than 100 companies from Gipuzkoa and close to 20 Slovenian firms have participated this week in a meeting organized by the Chamber of Commerce to strengthen commercial links between the territory and the Central European country. There is an affinity between Slovenia and the Basque Country from an economic point of view. Both are highly industrialized countries, where 28% of GDP is generated by this type of company. Robert Krmelj, Ambassador of Slovenia in Spain, stresses how the commercial relationship between Gipuzkoa and his country should rise like foam in the coming years.

– What has brought you to Donostia and Gipuzkoa?

– We want to continue bringing our business world closer to Gipuzkoa and to the businessmen here. Euskadi is the second community in Spain with the greatest commercial exchange with Slovenia, but there is still potential to be exploited. We have many similarities (landscapes, economic values, food…) that we must take advantage of in the business world, and Gipuzkoa can be a point of reference for Slovenia to have a greater presence in Spain.

– What are Slovenia’s strengths?

– In addition to the transport infrastructure and a quality of highly qualified labor recognized by many countries, we also have the most important port on the Adriatic, which can serve as a springboard for exporting vehicles manufactured in Spain and the Basque Country to central Europe. When the armed conflict in Ukraine ends, which I hope will be soon, Slovenia will also be a strategic point for the economic recovery of the country led by Zelenski. Most of our exports move within a radius of 500 km (Austria, Bavaria, Poland, Switzerland, Italy…), so being present in Slovenia also means being present in these countries. Society in our country speaks many languages, and there is also a very friendly economic environment and business mentality for doing business. Spain, on the other hand, is still in 20th place in terms of trade with Slovenia. something is wrong You have to boost it more. Within five years we should be in the ‘top 10’ and the Basque Country could serve as a model for the rest of the communities to show more interest in Slovenia.


«Euskadi is the second community in Spain with the greatest commercial exchange with Slovenia, but it can still go further»

– Are there, then, many business opportunities in Slovenia for companies from Gipuzkoa?

– Definitely. Slovenia is a springboard for Gipuzkoa to do business in the center of Europe. There are very positive commercial indices between the Basque Country and our country, and there are so many possibilities that you just have to take advantage of them and organize a meeting between companies like the ones promoted by the Chamber. This week there have been more than 100 companies from Gipuzkoa that have shown an interest in Slovenia. There are several niches in which our companies and the Basque companies can cooperate in a deeper and more continuous way, such as all those related to high technology, renewable energy, advanced technology for water management, information technology, telecommunications or the automotive sector.

Renewable energy

«In Slovenia there are also many critical voices towards the construction of wind turbines»

– Is there a project, company or economic model that has attracted your attention in Gipuzkoa?

– Yes. In the Basque Country, and in Gipuzkoa in particular, there are several technology parks with very powerful start-ups, as is the case in Slovenia. We have many similarities. We just have to assist and help these companies get to know each other so they can share knowledge.

– Your country invests heavily in renewable energy. Are there also critical voices, for example, in the construction of wind turbines?

– Yes. In Slovenia there are also many organizations that oppose this type of construction such as wind mills or large photovoltaic plants with the same arguments as here. I think we are a few steps behind on this matter. However, we are specialized in energy saving, finding technological solutions for companies and organizations. Seven years ago, Ljubljana was chosen as the greenest European capital with the best circular economy data.

– How is Slovenia facing the transition to electric vehicles?

– We are at the same point as the rest of Europe. The priority is to help our automotive companies to have a ‘friendly’ transition to the electric vehicle. They are smaller and may have greater flexibility of adaptation.

«Last year Slovenia registered its historical peak of inflation»

Last year the war in Ukraine had a full impact, to a greater or lesser extent, in each of the European countries. Inflation reached levels not seen for 30 years and the prices of various raw materials also registered maximums. In 2022, exports in Slovenia grew by 36.78% compared to the previous year, and sales abroad represent 112.43% of its GDP, a very high percentage if we compare it with that of the rest of the countries. «The war in Ukraine has had a full impact on the Slovenian economy, especially last year. We are a country that lives a lot from our exports and if the situation in neighboring countries like Italy, Germany or Switzerland suffers, so does ours. If those markets don’t grow, it’s really hard to sell your products in those countries,” Krmelj says. In July of last year, Spain registered its highest inflation rate in the last three decades with 10.8%. The rise in prices was also noticeably noticeable in the Balkan country. «The escalation of inflation in Slovenia was very similar to that of Spain. Last year we reached our historical peak with inflation of 8.8%, possibly the highest in all of our modern history, which affected all of our citizens. Now it is softening and it will reach values ​​close to 2% next year.

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