Rocket Attack on Southern Israel Intercepted by Iron Dome Defense System

by time news

Title: Gaza Rockets Intercepted by Iron Dome Following Army Raid in West Bank

Subtitle: No Injuries Reported in the Rocket Attack; IDF Prepares for Possible Response

Date: July 5, 2023

A salvo of five rockets was launched from the Gaza Strip towards southern Israel early Wednesday morning, the military confirmed. The attack, seemingly in response to a deadly army raid in the West Bank city of Jenin, triggered alarms in the southern city of Sderot and nearby towns. Fortunately, all the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system, avoiding any injuries.

However, a home in Sderot suffered minor damage from shrapnel generated by the interception. The inhabitants, who were fortunately in a bomb shelter at the time, remained unharmed. The rocket attack marks the first incident of its kind since May 14, during a period of heightened violence between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

Operating in the aftermath of the conflict, Israeli troops were pulling out of Jenin when the rockets were fired. The IDF’s incursion into the Palestinian refugee camp situated adjacent to the West Bank city spanned 44 hours. During the operation, an Israeli soldier lost his life, while Palestinian health officials reported 13 fatalities and dozens of injuries.

Although it remains unclear which Gaza-based terror group staged the attack, the Israeli military is expected to retaliate promptly, which could potentially escalate the situation further. In a recent Tel Aviv bus stop attack, a Hamas terrorist rammed his car into a crowd and began stabbing people, causing injuring eight, including a pregnant woman who tragically lost her baby. Hamas claimed the incident was in retaliation for the Israeli offensive.

Typically, Israel responds to rocket attacks by launching airstrikes against sites controlled by Hamas, the ruling group in Gaza. However, if Islamic Jihad claims responsibility, they may become the primary target. As tensions mount, the IDF had already been on high alert for potential rocket fire from Gaza following the Jenin raid, resulting in the cancellation of a large concert in Sderot.

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As Israel prepares for a possible response to the rocket attack, concerns regarding a spiraling escalation of violence are looming. Both Israeli and Palestinian authorities are working to defuse tensions and maintain stability in the region.

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