“Rocky”, the spin-off “Creed” airs tonight: the dog sold for $ 50, Stallone’s cracked ribs and Elvis’s phone call, the 21 secrets of the first film

by time news

On October 20, 1976, the premiere of “Rocky”, a film directed by John G. Avildsen, was organized in New York. Tonight Creed airs which of the first film of the saga is the spin off, set 9 years later. But let’s take a step back. In the original, the protagonist is the then unknown Sylvester Stallone in the role of Rocky Balboa, a 30-year-old Italian-American boxer, originally from Philadelphia who was unable to make it into the ring. To round up, he is a tax collector on behalf of the gangster Tony Gasco. Just when his life seems to be falling apart, Rocky meets Adriana with whom he forms a romantic relationship and then has the incredible opportunity to take on world heavyweight champion Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers). The boxer also thanks to the help of the old coach Mickey Goldmill (Burgess Meredith) gets back in shape and plays a great match knocking out the champion but losing on points. “Rocky”, written by Stallone himself, inaugurates one of the most successful film sagas in history. Backbreaking rounds, great rhythm and unforgettable scenes: from the unconventional workouts of Rocky chasing a chicken or punching quarters of beef in the cold room to his swollen face at the end of his encounter with Creed as he shouts Adriana’s name. There is no lack of sentimentality, however the strength of the film lies precisely in the exaltation of the will and desire for redemption of a character that is anything but invincible and perfect. “Rocky” proves to be a great success with critics and audiences. He gets six nominations and three Oscars (Best Picture, Best Director and Best Editing) and triumphs at the box office. Costing 1.1 million dollars, it collected 116 million (the largest collection of 1976) and soon became a cult. 43 years after its launch, here are 21 things you may not know.


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