Rogozin: Roscosmos does not accuse NASA astronaut of drilling holes in Soyuz MS-09

by time news

The head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin said that the state corporation does not accuse NASA astronaut Serena Aunyon-Chancellor of drilling holes in Soyuz MS-09 in 2018.

“No one has ever accused her … Roscosmos does not accuse anyone. We do not want trouble for our cooperation, “Rogozin wrote on Twitter in response to a comment about the accusations against Aunyon-Chancellor.

He also stated that the version of the earthly origin of the damage was ruled out, they were made in space.

“As a result of our thorough investigation, we have already ruled out your version of damage to our ship on Earth,” he stressed.

Recall that on August 30, 2018, a drop in air pressure was recorded on the ISS. The crew of the station revealed a leak in the utility compartment of the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft docked to the Rassvet module. A 3mm through hole was drilled by someone behind a sanitation device on the eighth attempt. Russian cosmonauts sealed the damage, and then went into outer space to obtain evidence – possible traces of glue on the outside of this hole, in order to confirm or deny the earthly version of what happened.

Read the material: “Cosmonaut Atkov hinted who drilled the hole in the Soyuz-MS-09”.


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