Rolling in frying oil: the green amendment that is causing a stir

by time news

This is an unexpected amendment, which is sure to cause a stir. Deemed admissible, it will be examined in the Assembly in public session, within the framework of the bill on purchasing power. Purpose of this proposal: to allow French people with a diesel vehicle to drive on… used frying oil!

This astonishing practice already has followers in Europe, but it remains for the time being prohibited in France, where it is considered a customs offense – because only approved fuels are authorized. Critics of this method point out that poorly filtered oils are likely to damage engines. However, associations such as “Roule ma frite” have been campaigning for years to legalize this method.

A cheaper and greener solution

The amendment was tabled by the co-president of the EELV group in the Assembly Julien Bayou and supported by his group. “While diesel costs more than 2 euros per liter at the pump, this solution makes it possible to immediately relieve the wallets of French men and women, to limit pollution from diesel engines and to reduce energy dependence. of the country”, one can read on the document tabled in the Assembly.

Concretely, “10 liters of used oil can give 8 liters of fuel, usable in a mixture of up to 30% in diesel engines of old design and up to 100% with certain adaptations”, describe the signatories of the text. This fuel, they argue, rejects “up to 90% less greenhouse gases than conventional diesel” and “costs much less than fossil fuel”.

Another advantage put forward: used oils constitute a plague in the process of reprocessing wastewater and increase the cost of the process. In catering alone, 170 million liters of oil would be used each year and could therefore be recovered. Finally, “unlike rapeseed, sunflower, soybean and palm oils also used to make biodiesel, used food oils do not compete with food,” adds the environmental group.

This new fuel would certainly be cheaper, but subject to the same taxes as diesel. “This is a concrete and immediate measure, good for the climate and social justice, pleads Julien Bayou. It ticks all the boxes: reduces the greenhouse gas emissions of the huge national diesel fleet, reduces the pollution represented by these non-recycled waste oils and frees us from dependence on oil. »

And to add: “In France, we don’t have oil but we have frying oil. Something to reconcile the end of the world and the end of the month. Will the proposal carry the adhesion of the cauldron of the Assembly? Not easy.

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