Rome Biodigesters, tenders awarded for construction. Construction to begin in 2025

by time news

Construction of Four Waste Treatment Plants in Rome

Construction work ‌on ‍four waste treatment plants in Rome⁤ is scheduled to begin in the​ first months of 2025. ​The plants will include two biodigesters and two facilities for the recovery and⁤ treatment of paper⁣ and multi-material. Tenders for the projects have already ⁣been awarded, and the design phase is now underway.

Biodigesters in Rome

The announcement of the new plants was made‍ by Mayor Roberto ‍Gualtieri, Councilor ⁣for Waste ‍Sabrina Alfonsi, and Bruno Manzi, ⁤President of Ama SpA. Four tenders were issued: two for biodigesters in Casal Selce and Cesano, and two for paper and multi-material in Rocca Cencia and ⁤Ponte Malnome. All tenders received a full slate of offers by the deadline in April.

200,000 Tons in Casal Selce and Cesano

The two biodigesters in Casal Selce and Cesano will have‌ a combined treatment capacity of 200,000 tons per year, ‌allowing for ⁢the complete processing of organic waste in the​ city. The⁤ paper and multi-material plants will also have a capacity ‌of ​200,000⁣ tons (100,000 for ⁢paper and 100,000 for other materials).

Total Investment of €328 Million

The construction of all four facilities is ⁢estimated to cost €328⁢ million. Rome Capital⁤ has already allocated €141 ⁣million towards the project, with an additional⁣ €187 million ​coming from the “Aid Decree.”

Gualtieri: “Rome Projected into the Future”

Mayor Gualtieri emphasized the importance of these plants in addressing⁢ Rome’s waste management challenges. “Rome⁣ must be a modern capital and projected‌ into the future in terms of waste treatment,” he ⁣said. “These four plants will make a significant contribution ​to‌ a structural solution to a⁣ problem that ⁣has plagued the city for ⁤too⁢ long.”

Ama President Calls for ⁣Sustainable⁣ Waste ⁢Management

Bruno Manzi, President of Ama SpA, expressed his commitment to sustainable waste management‌ in Rome. “Together with Rome Capital,‌ we are committed to implementing a virtuous and sustainable waste ⁤management system that benefits‌ both the environment and the ⁣economy,” he said.

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