Ronaldo’s sister: “The worst World Cup ever. Mbappe is amazing”

by time news

The great celebration of Lionel Messi and the Argentina national team cannot pass without some reference to Cristiano Ronaldo. After all, until a few months ago the rivalry between the Argentine and the Portuguese fueled world football and the debate about who was better (or bigger) lasted for many years.

So what did Ronaldo have to say? is nothing. CR7 has not posted on social media since December 11th. Unlike most players of the Portugal national team, he did not put up a farewell post to coach Fernando Santos after he was fired from his position and the silence was maintained even after Argentina won the World Cup.

But not everyone in the Ronaldo family was silent. Ronaldo’s opinionated sister, Katia Aveiro, posted a story after the final in which she wrote, among other things: “This is the worst World Cup in history, but the final between Argentina and France was great. What a game, congratulations to Argentina for winning.”

Aveiro also referred to the biggest star of the game in her eyes. And of course it’s not about Lionel Messi. “This boy is unbelievable,” he wrote about Kylian Mbappe, “what a great future awaits you. Amazing.”

Keeps silence. Ronaldo | Reuters

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Aveiro made headlines last time after Portugal beat Switzerland 6-1 in the round of 16, but her brother, who came on as a substitute and didn’t make an impact, didn’t celebrate with his friends. She wrote at the time: “I really want him to leave the national team, come home and be by our side so we can hug him and remind him of everything he did. They will never understand how great you are and we have suffered enough, they are small and do not understand how huge you are… we are with you In every decision you make. Until death. Thank you, Ronaldo.”

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