Rubiales’ mother, admitted to the emergency room after two and a half days of hunger strike

by time news

2023-08-30 19:11:01

MotrilThe mother of Luis Rubiales has been transferred from emergency to the Santa Ana Hospital in Motril after two and a half days of a hunger strike to protest against the “hunt” that she considers her son, Luis Rubiales, is suffering. The announcement of the admission was given by the rector of the Divina Pastora parish, who explained that, around 6 pm, the woman noticed that her situation was getting worse, that she was already tired. She went into a crisis, with a lot of stress, and that’s why she was taken by ambulance to the regional hospital.

A new script twist in a case that moves between tragedy and comedy. In fact, also this Wednesday Rubiales’ uncle broke his silence in an interview with The world. Juan Rubiales was for years the right-hand man of the president of the RFEF, until they had a fight. “One day he told me that he could no longer call him Luis, that now he had to call him president,” explains Juan, who denounced his relative years ago for paying with federal money for a party in a villa where many young girls were invited. “I was in Marbella for promotion to Segona and I was told to go to Salobreña for a work meeting. When I arrived I saw that there were no women invited, except for some young girls who brought the “former player of Granada Nene. I told Luis that he had gone crazy, that they could be his daughters,” he explained. Juan Rubiales added that he was not surprised by the kiss affair with Jenni Hermoso, since “Luis Rubiales has always been a bit sexist, very authoritarian, with attitudes typical of Torrente”.

Have they deceived us?

All of this has revolutionized the population of Motril. Since the hunger strike began, they had seen him inside the church only once. It was yesterday, at a quarter past eight in the evening, when Motril had already become a set scene.

A row of tripods and cameras were set up in front of the church of the Divine Shepherdess when Loli, one of the catechesis leaders, approached the portal. “I don’t know anything about it, please let me pass”, she pointed out in distress at the insistence of the media. Loli had to turn on the lights and have everything ready for the mass scheduled for half past eight. The media hoped that would be the moment when they could enter the church where Ángeles Béjar, the mother of Luis Rubiales, was closed and on hunger strike. After a few minutes the doors of the building opened. The first image was bewildering: where was Ángeles? There was no one in the pews running around the central nave, nor in the choir nor in the sacristy. Someone was heard to say, in a low voice, “Have we been tricked?” The faithful occupied the first rows until the rector appeared to inform that Ángeles was indeed in the building.

It was in a room located in the left nave, next to the image of the Divine Shepherdess. It is not very big, it has a single window and several tables are placed in the center. The image was impressive. Alone and only with a bottle of water for more than 48 hours. His voice was weak, but he stated that he would continue until his body could take it. Friends say it’s a decision she made alone, without consulting Luis Rubiales. “For sure he didn’t like it,” says Ángeles Montes, a friend of the mother. He explains that he has spoken to her throughout the week but that he found out that she was starting a hunger strike for the press. “I stopped crying. He loves his son very much.”

The tension in Motril

He is a well-known son in the city, since his father was the mayor for the PSOE from 1995 to 2003, and he is also a recognized son, since he was awarded the gold medal of the city. The text agreed by the city council thanked him “for his work in favor of the projection of the locality”. Now the IU-Equo Motril group has already announced that it will present a motion at the next municipal meeting to withdraw the distinction. And the fact is that in the village, even if it may sound cliché, there is nothing else to talk about. Either at the door of the church, at the bar or in the queue at the fruit shop. “It seems exaggerated” or “It was a mistake, but there is no one for this hunt either” are some of the phrases that the neighbors say, since the case has generated some tension. It was evident on Sunday, when a friendly match of the Friends of Luis Rubiales was to be played, which finally had to be suspended because the police assured that they could not guarantee security, among other things due to the gatherings organized by the group of the city Damos la Cara. Its president, María José Villalobos, claims that the taboo has been broken. “Which woman has not been touched in places that are not indicated, such as work, the street, the bus…?” And he adds: “They are sexual assaults”. He doesn’t want to talk about Ángeles Béjar. “She is a mother who wants to protect her child, it is not up to us to assess what she does”, he says.

Where is Rubiales?

It is the question that many ask. Where is Rubiales? They assume he’s in the city, where he often returns when he’s on vacation. “We don’t know where he is exactly, he has a lot of family here,” neighbors say. Whether there is or not, the case has an impact on the municipality of just over 60,000 inhabitants that saw it grow and where the landscape has changed in recent days, with the cameras that have been installed in the city and even the police forces that have been in front of the church where Ángeles Béjar has spent more than 48 hours on hunger strike.

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