Rural accommodation in Girona receives twice as many foreigners as before the pandemic

by time news

2023-06-11 06:30:55

The accommodations of rural tourism Girona they closed the month of April with good figures, according to employment data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE). This type of accommodations received up to 19,396 tourists in April, 23.1% more than a year ago and 30.3% more than before the outbreak of the pandemicl’any 2019.

If we look at the nationalities that have received rural accommodation in Girona, most are residents of Spain. The number of Spanish tourists (16,030) in April compared to last year has increased by 18.9% and by 21.4% compared to 2019. However, we see the most significant change if we focus on the travelers foreigners Last April the rural tourist accommodations received 3,366 foreign tourists, 48% more than a year ago and almost twice as much as in 2019when there were 1,681 foreign visitors.

The number of overnight stays in rural accommodation in Girona’s counties also increased in April compared to previous years. This 2023, during the fourth month of the year, 44,398 overnight stays were registered17.6% more than a year ago and 11.1% above those recorded in 2019.

Demand in Girona

In fact, Girona was the fourth province in the State with the most demand for rural tourism during the past 2022according to data from a study carried out by Clubrural, a portal for the rural tourism sector in Spain.

According to these figures, 6.4% of the demand in Spain was concentrated in the regions of Girona, surpassed only by the demarcations of Barcelona (11.94%), Madrid (10.01%) and Asturias (7.19%). ).

#Rural #accommodation #Girona #receives #foreigners #pandemic

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