Russia claims to have shot down three drones in the West, including one in the Moscow region

by time news

2023-09-05 11:45:55

The drone war continues between Ukraine and Russia. Russian defenses shot down three aerial drones in the western regions of Moscow, Kaluga and Tver, authorities said on Tuesday (September 5). Damage was observed following the fall of debris in the district of Istrinsky, said the mayor of the Russian capital, Sergei Sobyanin. Follow our live.

Ukrainian offensives are increasing in Russia. They regularly target the capital, its region or the annexed peninsula of Crimea, against the backdrop of a counter-offensive by kyiv that began in early June. On Monday, Moscow said it had shot down a Ukrainian drone off Crimea and a second device in the Kursk region, bordering Ukraine.

Kim Jong-un wants to meet Vladimir Putin, according to Washington. The North Korean leader intends to visit Russia to discuss with the Russian president Pyongyang’s arms sales to Moscow for its war in Ukraine, the United States claims.

Cuba says it has identified an illegal Russian recruitment channel. The Cuban government claimed to have identified “a traffic network” aimed at recruiting Cubans for “military operations in Ukraine”and have instituted criminal proceedings against those involved.

#Russia #claims #shot #drones #West #including #Moscow #region

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