Russia is moving internationally against the attack on the Houthis, and America says it does not intend to escalate

by times news cr



/ Russia requested an emergency session in the UN Security Council on Friday against the backdrop of the strikes launched by the United States and Britain on Yemen.

The “Telegram” channel of the Russian Permanent Mission to the United Nations stated that “Russia requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on January 12 regarding the American and British strikes on Yemen.”

At dawn on Friday, the United States and Britain began a massive attack on several Yemeni cities, targeting sites belonging to the Houthis.

The American and British armies bombed sites used by the Houthis in a large-scale retaliation strike using Tomahawk missiles launched by warships and combat aircraft, according to several American officials told the Associated Press.

Meanwhile, American officials told reporters that the American and British strikes on Yemen targeted the Houthis’ military capabilities and sought to avoid collateral damage, and stressed that the Houthis’ actions represent a threat to the United States and the world.

“While we fully expect this action to reduce and weaken the Houthis’ capacity, and certainly over time reduce their ability and desire to launch these attacks, we would not be surprised to see some type of response,” one official told reporters on a conference call.

He added, “The strikes on Yemen were precisely directed against the Houthis’ military capabilities, and we sought to avoid collateral damage.” Pointing out that “there is no intention to escalate after the strikes on Houthi targets.”

He pointed out that the American and British forces in the Red Sea are prepared to defend themselves in the wake of the air strikes in Yemen.

The American official held Iran responsible for the Houthi attacks that threaten the most important global waterways, saying: “We hold Iran responsible for the role it plays in the attacks against American forces,” adding, “We believe that Iran is involved in every stage of the Houthi attacks.”

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