Russia is sending generals to the front – and thus targeting Ukraine

by time news

2023-06-16 11:16:49

Russian General with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (right)

Russia’s military leadership has come under criticism because high-ranking generals are apparently frequently injured or killed.


Wien Since the beginning of their offensive, the Ukrainians have been putting pressure on the Russian troops in the south and east. So far, however, the gains in territory have been limited to the liberation of a few villages and the costly advance of a few hundred meters per day. In addition, the opposing troops are repeatedly carrying out counterattacks: “We are simultaneously holding the defensive line and carrying out offensive actions, but on different front sections,” said Hanna Maljar, Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister, on Wednesday.

Despite all the show of indifference to the Ukrainian attacks, it has not escaped Moscow that the enemy has so far deployed only three of the twelve newly formed brigades and a small proportion of the fresh heavy weapons from the West at the front. In order to boost the morale of the beleaguered soldiers, the Kremlin does not just spread exaggerated reports of success. He also sends his own generals close to the front.

>> Read also: Ukraine gets more Leopard tanks

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