Russia says ready to talk, but won’t stop targeting Ukraine military

by time news

Ukraine Russia War Highlights: 141 countries support resolution against Russia in UN General Assembly. Thirty-five countries left, including India and China

Ukraine Russia War Highlights: Ukraine on Thursday called for a ceasefire and a humanitarian corridor to evacuate detained civilians as Russian occupying forces besiege and bomb Ukrainian cities. The request was made during talks between Russia and Ukraine in Belarus.

. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said he is ready for talks to end the offensive, but will continue to seek to destroy Ukraine’s military infrastructure. Lavrov said the Russian delegation had submitted their demands to the Ukrainian delegation earlier this week and was awaiting a response to Thursday’s talks.

He accused Western countries of continuing to arm Ukraine, train troops and build bases there to turn it into a stronghold against Russia.

Meanwhile, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has launched an investigation into senior officials believed to be responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide in the wake of rising civilian casualties and widespread destruction of property during Russia’s occupation of Ukraine. ICC prosecutor Kareem Khan announced the probe late Wednesday night after dozens of member states asked the court to take action.

Ukraine says 34 civilians have been killed in a Russian offensive in Harkiv in the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, British military intelligence said that Russia’s advance on the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, had not made significant progress over the past three days.

The cities of Harkiv, Chernihiv and Mariupol are under Ukrainian control. Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Wednesday morning that Hersen had been captured, but that his adviser, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky, had denied the allegations.

Ukraine says it has killed more than 7,000 troops since the start of the Russian occupation. Hundreds of people, including senior officials, have been detained, a military adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky said on Wednesday.

The New York Times reports that Hersen, one of the cities in southern Ukraine, has been captured by Russian forces. Earlier, the city’s mayor Igor Kolikhayev said that Russian troops had taken to the city streets and stormed the city council building.

Meanwhile, a resolution was tabled in the UN General Assembly against Russia over the occupation of Ukraine. 141 countries supported the resolution against Russia. The UN General Assembly has 193 members. Thirty-five members, including China and India, abstained.

Russia, Syria, Belarus, Eritrea and North Korea opposed the resolution. At the heart of the resolution was a call for Russia’s withdrawal from the offensive against Ukraine. The UN General Assembly has reportedly condemned the Russian occupation.

The Ukrainian Emergency Service said more than 2,000 civilians had been killed in the Russian offensive so far. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Levrov has warned that World War III could be a nuclear war.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky also claims that 6,000 Russians were killed in the fighting. Clashes between the two countries continue in Harkiv and Kiev. It is reported that there were violent explosions in Harkiv.

Last Thursday morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a military move to Ukraine. Shortly afterwards, there were missile strikes in various parts of Ukraine. Russian troops then entered Ukraine across the border and intensified the offensive.

Also Read: Why did Ukraine abandon its nuclear arsenal? The Budapest Memorandum is under discussion again

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