Russia-Ukraine war: how much is American aid really worth?

by time news

Russia-Ukraine War: Members of the Republican and Democratic parties recently criticized the continued support of the United States in Ukraine. According to them, the military and financial support in Ukraine should be cut, and thus stop spending billions of dollars. However, American researchers checked and showed that “if you look at the perspective of every dollar that goes out , the US support for Ukraine is a successful cost-effective investment.”

According to the study, the Biden administration received congressional approval for economic aid worth $40 billion for 2022, and requested additional aid worth $37.7 billion. “These amounts are meaningless when compared to the American defense budget, which this year stands at 715 billion dollars. The aid constitutes 5.6% of the total defense expenditures of the United States,” according to the researchers. They added that “Russia, the main rival of the United States, does not Far from China, provides an excellent opportunity for the US to degrade the Russian defense capability, without risking American lives.”

Ukrainian military forces (Photo: Reuters)

According to estimates, over one hundred thousand Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded in the war in Ukraine, now almost 8,000 armored vehicles, tanks, armored personnel carriers and aircraft have been destroyed in the war. The researchers claimed that according to these estimates of the damage caused to the Russian army, spending 5.6% of the American defense budget seems like an incredible investment.” According to them, “If we divide the American defense budget into the threats facing the country, Russia will be on the order of one hundred to one hundred and fifty billion dollars “.

Meanwhile, researchers claim that Russia’s arms race with the West could bankrupt the Russian economy, especially when it is under aggressive Western sanctions. Russia can only hope to win, with the combined GDP of the West standing at $40 trillion, compared to Russia’s GDP of only $1.8 trillion. According to the researchers, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, will have to increase defense spending, risking social and political unrest in the country, and a real danger to his regime.

The researchers also claimed that the war destroyed the myth that Russian military technology is “largely similar” to that of the US and the West. It is important to remember that the Ukrainian army uses only slightly upgraded technology of the American army, but still consistently defeats the Russian army on the battlefield .

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