Russia-Ukraine war: Is World War III on the horizon?

by time news

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Meyer said today (Monday) that the possibility that the war between Russia and Ukraine could escalate into a third world war could not be ruled out. “But one can not rule out any script,” the minister said in an interview with French television.

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Meanwhile, the New York Times reported that in just about a week, the United States and the rest of NATO countries transferred to Ukraine some 17,000 anti-tank weapons, including missiles. The report, “Russian forces could not handle the convoys because they were busy with other incidents.”

Russian military in Ukraine (Photo: Reuters)
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According to US sources, the weapons handed over to the Ukrainians are already making a difference on the battlefield: “Ukrainian soldiers armed with anti-tank missiles attacked convoys of Russian armored and supply trucks, and helped stop Russian progress on the ground. “Some of the convoys of vehicles are abandoned, with Russian forces afraid to sit in the vehicles, because the Ukrainian forces tend to hit the fuel tanks in order to blow up the vehicles.”

At the same time, the US Times reported that the US has also sent cyber teams, which are now located throughout Eastern Europe and interfering with Russian attacks on the Ukrainians. The cyber crews, together with German cyber crews, analyze satellite images of the Russian army and transmit the conclusions to the Ukrainian army within a few hours from the moment of filming.

Poland-Ukraine border satellite photo (Photo: ImageSat International (ISI))Poland-Ukraine border satellite photo (Photo: ImageSat International (ISI))

The President of Ukraine himself, Volodymyr Zalansky, is equipped by the Americans with encrypted communication equipment, which allows him to talk to US President Joe Biden without fear of eavesdropping.

Despite the transfer of weapons to the Ukrainians, US national security sources told the Times that they had intelligence informing them that the war was only going to escalate, in light of Putin’s threat to Western countries that “anyone who tries to force Ukraine to close its skies, It will be part of the military conflict. “

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