Russian Ambassador to Israel: “There is no danger to the citizens of Ukraine”

by time news

At the beginning of the press conference convened today (Thursday) by the Russian Ambassador to Israel, Anatoly Viktorov, a handful of blue folders containing a pile of printed documents were distributed to a handful of media – “to help you understand our position.” These include Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speeches last week, as well as details of the weapons that NATO countries have transferred to Ukraine, as well as “facts attesting to the war crimes committed by the Ukrainian leadership against its own citizens.”

In this spirit, the entire meeting of Ambassador Viktorov with the Israeli media took place. He argued that Russia, is the one that is the victim of a global lie and Pike News attack and not the one that spreads them. He said that anyone who calls Russian messages “propaganda” “does not understand that he himself is a victim of a war of disinformation waged by the West.”

As the result of much looting, today the Russians hurried to wave Avi-Yar by chance. The President of Ukraine and Ludimir Zalansky published a post in Hebrew yesterday, in which he called on the Jews of the world to fight for the Ukrainians and help them, among other things due to the destruction caused by the Russian shelling of the Babi Yar memorial site, in which hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed during World War II. Yedioth Ahronoth correspondent Ron Ben-Yishai, who arrived in Babi Yar on Tuesday, said that there was no visible damage to the memorial site. “It was Pike News,” Ambassador Viktorov claimed today. He went on to claim that Ukraine, which he said was “undergoing a process of nazification” and President Zalansky “supporting neo-Nazis”, was the aggressor in the current situation. He reiterated that Russia’s vulnerabilities are accurate and aimed only at military targets, and by no means against civilians. Faced with the Ukrainian information shouting about thousands of victims including children, Viktorov, who read some of the things from the report, insisted that “there is no danger to the citizens of Ukraine.”

Yesterday, Bennett had telephone conversations with Ukrainian Prime Minister Vladimir Zalansky and with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is the second time since the beginning of the fighting in Ukraine that Bennett has spoken with two heads of state. The Kremlin announced that the talks between Putin and Bennett took place at Israel’s initiative, and that the Russians had made it clear that the key to ending the crisis was “safeguarding Russia’s security interests.” Ambassador Viktorov, who was not present at the conversation, could not give many more details about her. Regarding the possibility of Israel mediating between the two countries, he said that it was too early to discuss it. It should be noted that the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Kornichuk, confirmed at this week’s worrying press conference that Ukraine had asked Israel to try to mediate between the parties and said that Jerusalem was a good place for talks. “Other countries have offered to mediate, I believe Israel is the only democratic state that has good relations with both sides,” Kornichuk said.

Russian Ambassador Viktorov also addressed the issue of the renewed nuclear deal in Vienna today, saying he did not think it came up in a conversation between Putin and Bennett on Tuesday, although “we are working hard with the Americans and Iranians to end it positively.” It should be noted that although Russia has in recent days been excluded from many international bodies – a representative in the nuclear talks in Vienna, Mikhail Olyanov, is still a key figure in the negotiations. We just demonstrated quietly. “

Regarding the “Makor Rishon” question about the continued existence of the coordination mechanism between Israel and Russia, regarding the operations in Syria, the ambassador replied that it has a security benefit and therefore it will continue to exist.

The day after his talks with Putin and Zlansky, and the Israeli vote at the UN in favor of condemning Russia, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett addressed an international cyber conference on what is happening in Ukraine at the moment. Bad, “Bennett said.” I’m talking about the loss of many lives, the complete destruction of Ukraine and millions of refugees – but it’s not too late. “It is the responsibility of the major players in the world to act quickly to get both sides out of the battlefield to the negotiating table,” Bennett said.

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