Russian Attack on Al Qaeda Terrorists in Syria; Rebel centers were destroyed in Idlib

by time news

Idlib: Russia launched a rocket attack on Islamic terrorist centers in Syria. Russia carried out heavy airstrikes in Idlib. It is reported that 15 local residents were also injured in the attack in which seven terrorists were killed. Russia attacked the centers of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, an organization linked to al-Qaeda.

Putin, who supports Bashar al-Assad, who rules Syria, has taken strong action against terrorists in Syria before. Russia cooperated with Iran in attacking the rebel terrorists. Terrorists working against the Syrian regime are playing a decisive role in promoting Islamic terrorism in all countries of the region. Rebel factions that directly support ISIS are active in Syria.

After Russia’s attack, news is also coming out that Islamic terrorists are launching rocket attacks from the Syrian border again. Russia launched attacks in Aleppo, Hama and Latakia provinces. It is also reported that there was a counter attack from the same area. Turkey-backed insurgents are strong in the region.

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