Russian Doctor Reveals: Beets can Reduce Cancer Risk and Improve Health

by time news

2023-11-27 09:49:58
Russian Doctor Reveals Beets as Cancer-Reducing Vegetable

In a recent revelation, Russian doctor Alexander Myasnikov has highlighted the potential cancer-reducing properties of beets. Myasnikov pointed out that beets contain a compound called betaine-trimethylglycine which contributes to this effect.

In addition to their potential anti-cancer properties, beets are also known to raise the level of iron in the body, improve heart function, and aid in weight management.

Myasnikov also emphasized the benefits of betaine, stating, “Clinical studies have shown that betaine helps increase physical strength, increase muscle mass, and reduce fat reserves. Betaine-based drugs are also being produced to improve physical fitness.”

He further recommended consuming beets raw, by adding them to salads or snacks, as heat treatment can cause them to lose many of their beneficial properties.

This revelation is sure to spark interest in the potential health benefits of beets, and may lead to further research on their cancer-fighting properties.]
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