According to Russian Telegram channels and military bloggers, a battalion-sized force of Russian soldiers was destroyed in a recent strike.
DeepState analysts reported that the strike also destroyed 13 Russian military trucks carrying personnel. This information aligns with reports from Russian sources who confirmed the attack and mentioned the use of HIMARS systems, a weapon not previously employed in the region.
The incident has sparked significant criticism within Russia, with some commentators, like the pro-Russian Telegram channel Voennyj Osvedomitel, openly condemning the authorities for what they perceive as an avoidable disaster.
The report notes that the convoy was stationary at the time of the strike, making it an easy target for the attacking forces.
The strike has been widely discussed on social media, with many users citing it as an example of the fragility of Russian forces in the region.
The significant losses and subsequent criticism highlight the ongoing challenges faced by the Russian military in managing its forces, particularly in areas like Kursk.
The highly publicized strike is expected to have severe ramifications for the course of the conflict, according to Defense Blog.
As previously reported by the portal, the Kremlin may have opted for an “anti-terrorist operation” in the Kursk, Belgorod, and Bryansk regions instead of martial law, likely to downplay the scale of the invasion and prevent negative reactions in neighboring countries.