Russia’s foreign trade surplus grew 2.8 times in November

by time news

The positive balance of Russia’s foreign trade in November 2021 increased by 2.8 times in annual terms and amounted to $21.056 billion, according to the report of the Bank of Russia. According to the regulator, the volume of exports in November increased 1.6 times compared to the same period last year, to $48.957 billion, imports – by 22.6%, to $27.901 billion.

According to the Federal Customs Service (FCS), Russia’s foreign trade surplus in January-October 2021 amounted to $149 billion, which is 1.8 times more than in the same period of 2020. Russia’s foreign trade turnover for the specified period increased by 36.7% in annual terms and amounted to $627.8 billion.

Read more about the regulator’s report for 2021 in Kommersant’s material “Capital is accelerating”.


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