Russia’s Veto Blocks UN Panel Renewal on North Korea Sanctions amid US-led Charge

by time news

2024-03-29 20:01:00

Russia has blocked the renewal of a UN panel of experts that has been monitoring sanctions against North Korea for years.

As North Korea continues to conduct nuclear weapons and ballistic missile tests in defiance of sanctions, the United States brought a resolution to the UN Security Council to oversee economic sanctions against the country.

13 countries voted in favor of this. But China abstained from this referendum. However, Russia came out in support of North Korea.

Russia, using its veto power, blocked the annual renewal of the Committee of Experts, which monitors the implementation of sanctions.

The US-led charge

The move comes amid US-led accusations that North Korea has transferred weapons to Russia for use in the war against Ukraine.

Russia and North Korea pledged to deepen military ties last year, but both countries have denied the accusations against them.

The Deputy US Ambassador to the UN, Robert Wood, said in the meeting, “Moscow has undermined the possibility of a peaceful, diplomatic solution to one of the world’s most dangerous nuclear proliferation problems.”

#Russia #ends #monitoring #North #Korea

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