“Sabine”: This is how the Rostock “police call” becomes

by time news

2023-07-02 10:55:00

Culture “police call” Rostock

What the poverty trap can do to people

Status: 10:56 am | Reading time: 3 minutes

Has nothing left to lose: Luise Heyer is Sabine

Source: NDR/Christine Schroeder

What can you do when you’ve reached the bottom? Sabine, who gets lost in the Rostock “police call”, tries to kill herself. Then she targets others. A great crime film. Mainly because of a woman.

There sits this woman, who we’ll be carrying around with us for a long time, who’ll be around us, holding a gun under her chin and in her mouth. She can’t anymore, can’t do anything anymore. Has no strength for anything anymore. Just about not shooting yourself.

Louise Heyer is this woman. Her name is Sabine. “Sabine” is the name of the new “police call” in Rostock. It is the densest, saddest, most beautiful crime film in the first half of the year, which was not lacking in dense, sad, beautiful crime films.

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Sabine’s life is dissolving, she is dissolving. The shipyard where she works as a stockman is closed down, even though she is making millions in profits. The teacher wants to send Sabine’s son to secondary school, not because he’s stupid, but because she doesn’t think Sabine is capable of helping him.

Her electricity is turned off. Then she takes her gun. And does things you don’t do. that cannot be excused. But one understands. You want to shake Sabine awake, get her out of the social coma into which she has withdrawn.

Holding on to their love because there is nothing else to hold on to: Bukow (Charly Hübner) and König (Anneke Kim Sarnau)

Source: NDR/Christine Schroeder

“Sabine” tells – must be mentioned in between – the strange love story of the inspectors Bukow and König. They’re trying to hold on to their love, which may not be love, performing a strange approach-repulsion ballet like skydivers in free fall.

A bee dance that breaks your heart so much because Charly Hübner and Anneke Kim Sarnau always manage to stray around in these apparently illuminated figures in such a way that they become strange again and even more close to you (by the way, we are of the opinion : Anneke Kim Sarnau could do all the roles of Frances McDermand just as well).

dissolve into death

Back to Sabine and Luise Heyer. Nobody can play obliteration, powerlessness so powerfully. She was the mother in “The boy has to get some fresh air” and even little Hape Kerkeling couldn’t stop him from dissolving into death.

Sabine sits there with her pistol and tries the same thing. Hear the neighbor beat his wife to a pulp. Then she realizes that executing herself is not enough.

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Shy, lost to the world, she opens the hunt for all the assholes in the world. There are many of them. And of course shooting isn’t a solution.

Nevertheless, one wishes Sabine – as far as Luise Heyer brings every viewer who is reasonably capable of empathy – at the end of the day to have a door through which she can escape.

This article was first published on March 14, 2021, for the first broadcast of “Polizeiruf 110: Sabine”

#Sabine #Rostock #police #call

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