Sahara: Papua New Guinea reiterates its support for the autonomy plan, “the solid basis” for a lasting solution

by times news cr

2024-05-11 02:56:53

Speaking at the C24 Pacific Regional Seminar in the Indonesian city (May 24-26), Papua New Guinea’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Fred Sarufa stressed that the plan presented by Morocco in 2007 is in conformity with the important provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly.

The diplomat also said he was encouraged by the dynamic of growing international support for the autonomy plan, stressing that more than 100 UN member states support this “credible and compromise” initiative.

He also reiterated his country’s support for the political process led under the aegis of the UN Secretary-General and his personal envoy, Staffan de Mistura, aimed at achieving a lasting and mutually acceptable political solution to this artificial conflict. .

Welcoming the efforts of the personal envoy of the UN SG to facilitate the UN political process, the deputy permanent representative of Papua New Guinea urged Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and the “polisario” to resume round tables in the same format, in accordance with Security Council resolution 2654.

He also welcomed the participation of democratically re-elected representatives of the populations of the southern provinces in the two round tables in Geneva, in the C24 regional seminar for the fifth consecutive session, as well as in the annual sessions of the same committee.

The diplomat also highlighted Morocco’s full respect of the ceasefire and its full and continued cooperation with MINURSO, urging the other parties to do the same, in particular by ensuring that the work of MINURSO and the supplies of the UN Mission are not hindered.

Referring to the dynamics of socio-economic development and investment in the Sahara, he welcomed the achievements in terms of empowering local populations and improving human development indices, thanks to the New Provincial Development Model. of the South, launched in 2015.

This virtuous dynamic has encouraged a large number of countries and regional organizations to open consulates general in the cities of Laâyoune and Dakhla, he noted.

The deputy permanent representative of Papua New Guinea to the UN welcomed the “substantial” efforts made by Morocco to protect and advance the human rights of the populations of the southern provinces, stressing that these efforts were recognized by Security Council Resolution 2654 adopted last October.

He also expressed his country’s continued concern about the serious violations of the fundamental rights of populations sequestered in the Tindouf camps, particularly women and children, stressing that this situation must end.

He also called for allowing the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to carry out the registration and census of the populations of the Tindouf camps, in north-west Algeria.

2024-05-11 02:56:53

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