Salary: this new line that risks going unnoticed on your payslip

by time news

2023-07-03 13:20:49

This is a new mention on the next payslips regardless of status, sector of activity or employer. As of July 1, pay slips must include the “net social amount”, the net income after deduction of all compulsory social security contributions. This corresponds to the amount of resources that users must declare to assess their rights to benefit from certain social benefits, the RSA and the activity bonus.

“Recipients will be able to locate it easily and without the need to calculate the right amount to declare themselves”, specifies the Ministry of Solidarity on his site. In fact, recipients until now had to calculate the net income to be declared themselves. The risk of error in the declarations of resources will thus be reduced, and therefore the undue or the reminders of benefits, “sources of financial insecurity for the recipients”, as the government notes.

“Employees, and ultimately the beneficiaries of replacement income, will be directly informed of the amount of income to be declared to the family allowance fund or the agricultural social mutual fund, to calculate the RSA and the activity bonus” , the government said in a statement.

“Modernization” of social benefits

The “net social amount” will be entered from 1 January 2024 on the benefit statements (unemployment insurance, daily sickness benefits, disability pension, etc.). As the Ministry of Solidarity specifies on its site, the display of the “net social amount” does not change anything for French people who are not recipients of the RSA or the activity bonus. “However, it can allow you to simulate your rights to these benefits on the site of the Caisse des allowances Familiales (CAF) or on the site of the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA).”

The objective pursued by the government is to modernize and simplify the procedures for accessing the RSA and the activity bonus. “This development is part of the project to modernize social benefits, in line with the logic of simplification and strengthening of access to rights”, can we read in the press release.

This development “thus prepares the pre-filling of declarations of resources from information collected from employers and all organizations that pay income, as part of the reform of the ‘Solidarity at source’ project.”

Eligible people do not receive the RSA

“With the implementation of a simple and clear statement directly on the payslip, we are helping to simplify the procedures for French people so that they can assert their right to a social benefit”, declares the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt , quoted in the government press release.

For his colleague Jean-Christophe Combe, Minister of Solidarity, “this concrete progress in everyday life is an essential milestone on the way to solidarity at the source”.

According to a report published in June 2021 by Secours Catholique, around a third of people eligible for the RSA do not receive it, and a quarter of those eligible for family allowances.

#Salary #line #risks #unnoticed #payslip

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