Sánchez accuses Feijóo of being “more determined to prevent another investiture than to achieve his”

by time news

2023-09-15 12:19:00

After a week of rest due to COVID-19 infection, the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, reappeared this Friday at an event with the employers’ association in which he attacked the candidate to succeed him in office, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for his strategy in the face of the failed investiture scheduled for the 26th and 27th. “The enormous waste of time of a candidate who, knowing his inability to build a majority in Congress, has subjected a country to so much paralysis and so much noise is poorly understood.” , he has denounced.

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For Sánchez, Feijóo “seems more determined to prevent another investiture than to achieve his own” and, in this scenario, the PP leader “completely ignores his investiture.” “We will be respectful of the deadlines of democracy. But we will point out that this way of acting is harmful to our society,” he warned.

“The time does not belong to this or that candidate, it belongs to all Spaniards. And Spain has very important and urgent things to resolve and does not have to waste time capriciously,” he assured during the presentation of the strategic proposal of the Spanish Presidency of the EU to strengthen the economic security and global leadership of the EU in this decade, at the ResilientEU2030 Forum, at the headquarters of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), in Madrid.

The still head of the Executive wanted to make it clear that “if the investiture underway”, that of Feijóo, does not prosper, and the king entrusts him with trying to form a government, he will dedicate himself “to achieving an authentic investiture and not losing the time in empty gestures.” “I will dedicate myself to dialogue with the rest of the political forces and civil society to forge alliances and launch a positive political project of progress and coexistence that guarantees the stability of the country and that is fully consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution”, he stressed.

His plan, he added, will be “conciliatory” and will be “based on principles and values” although “also on science and the social majority.” “It will last the next few months but it will be part of the challenge of the coming decades,” he said. “A true project for Spain to continue moving forward and not going back to dark times,” he concluded.

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Sánchez has also mentioned one of the controversies of recent days: the purchase operation by Saudi Arabia of 9.9% of Telefónica shares, becoming the main shareholder of the telecommunications company. The President of the Government has considered that “the interest of large investors” in Spanish companies “is always good news because of what it represents as an injection of income” and because the country “has a network of top-level companies.”

However, he wanted to make it clear that “the Government has the necessary instruments to protect its national sovereignty.” Sánchez has assured that “the Government is carefully analyzing” Telefónica’s operation and has assured that the State has the necessary “mechanisms” to guarantee that “national defense and security is safe at all times and that undue influence does not transcend.” ” from Saudi Arabia in Spain. “The limit that exists in foreign investment is the protection of our interests,” she concluded.

#Sánchez #accuses #Feijóo #determined #prevent #investiture #achieve

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