Sánchez spends the most casual interview of the campaign with ‘la Pija y la Quinqui’

by time news

2023-07-16 12:31:11

The expected end of season of the podcast La Pija y La Quinqui has arrived this Sunday with “Bizcochito in person”, that is, Pedro Sánchez. The presenters of the star Generation Z program welcomed the Prime Minister, who has gambled with this interview to attract the vote of twenty-somethings ahead of the upcoming 23J. The conversation, like all those led by Mariang Maturana and Carlos Peguer, was spontaneous and at times chaotic, recorded in a corner of the Spotify studios in Madrid, with the three of them sitting at a table of minimal dimensions, just enough for the guest to can’t escape.

PerroSanxe, la Pija, la Quinqui and the drug dealer’s colleague


Sánchez did not seem to need it. He knew that it would not be a typical interview, but between laughs he has saved a conversation in which they have reviewed from the hoaxes that circulate on the Internet, such as his supposed idyll with Emmanuel Macron’s wife — “I get along very well with him and with his woman”, he has calmly settled- even his admiration for Taylor Swift, his list of songs on Spotify or that he does not like the reggaeton. He has even tried to find out without success if the kids like “something” from his generation, but they must see him a little older than his 51 years because they have answered “I like Serrat… and Beethoven”. Sánchez has made him laugh.

The passage of a president of the Government through a podcast like La Pija and La Quinqui was not very predictable this campaign. This is how the thousands of responses are worth it and I like that he received the president’s tweet with which he responded to Maturana and Peguer’s invitation, “Tell me when and where. I will be there, ”he wrote last June. Sánchez admits before the presenters that he more or less knew the podcast through his advisers, but the campaign is not in such a position to waste opportunities and if the young people do not appear for the PSOE rallies, it is better for Sánchez to go talk to La Pija and La Quinqui.

In a podcast where improvisation reigns every week, the president knew for sure that he would have to answer a question, the same as all the guests: are you more posh or more quinqui? Sánchez has said that he grew up in Aluche and Tetuán and he does not see himself in one way or the other. It is not the only time that he has evaded. The three of them were chatting about Taylor Swift, the president assured that he loves her, but also the collaborations he has done with Lana del Rey — “she is another artist that I really like” —, and Peguer laughed. “I’m sorry, it’s just that she makes me very funny.”

We do not know if it was because of listening to Sánchez talking about Lana del Rey or because he realized at that moment who he was interviewing, a president of the Government who seeks votes where necessary to get re-election. Even if that requires trying a piece of cold pizza, even if it is the “cojonuda” pizza of a Madrid restaurant.

Peguer has later recommended that to win the elections he had to say “I love Taylor Swift and I love her”, a kind of mischievous spell for voters his age to support Sánchez. “Well, I’ve read that you are a swiftie”. The answer justifies Sánchez’s passage on this set: the president shows that he knows the nickname of the singer’s followers, and also uses a feminine pronoun to address the young man who identifies as “the posh” of the podcast.

If the presenters have consolidated the second season of the podcast based on their unfiltered talks about personal relationships, job insecurity or their own insecurities, Sánchez put on the only filter he needed for the interview. Casual, dressed in a pink shirt, his sense of humor honed and without giving a single slip. It didn’t matter if they talked about dogs, series, driving —Sánchez misses it, Peguer is terrified and Maturana fears even crossing the street—, about his family, how to choose studies or what the president would like to be able to go to more festivals.

“Were you doing something?” Peguer asked between laughs, and Sánchez answered between laughs, “I was doing a lot of things”. Next Sunday we will know if the sum of all of them will be worth re-election.

#Sánchez #spends #casual #interview #campaign #Pija #Quinqui

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