Sandrine Rousseau whistled during a demonstration: the explanations of the deputy challenged

by time news

Why was Sandrine Rousseau whistled on Sunday during a Parisian demonstration in support of Iranian women? The ecologist deputy wondered this Monday morning at the microphone of France Inter on the reasons for these boos, believing that “feminism (…), when it is in France, is less acceptable”. “What happened is that the three women who are on the left who spoke, that is to say (the Insoumise MEP) Manon Aubry but also (the PS senator) Laurence Rossignol and I- even, have been hissed and I ask myself this question: why, in a demonstration which is in support of women, are women being hissed? “Questioned the MP for Paris.

According to her detractors, Sandrine Rousseau could above all have been whistled because of her old comments on the veil, which she had described as a potential “embellishment” in 2021 on the set of LCP. A point of view that appears to some to be contradictory, even as Iranian women are fighting to be able to no longer wear it. “Iranian women demand to be free to dress as they wish. What we must pose in the political debate is the freedom of women. The freedom to dress is valid in Iran as in France ”, had however justified the ex-candidate for the ecological primary.

“That Sandrine Rousseau assume her positions”

“I wonder what the intentions of these demonstrators were to whistle these women and I always have the impression that feminism is good when it is far away, and that finally, when it is in France, it is less acceptable”, has continued the deputy. A position that struggles to convince Laurence Rossignol. Because in the process, Senator PS castigated these explanations, seeing it as a “lie” and ensuring that she had not been whistled.

“To make believe that all women would have been whistled is a manipulation. Let Sandrine Rousseau assume her positions and not try to get us all on her boat, ”replied Senator PS, before sharing a video of her speech.

After a brief exchange on Twitter with the former family minister, Sandrine Rousseau wanted to clarify things, by posting one last tweet. “There were whistles and applause. For everyone. The whistles were more important for Manon Aubry and me. Less for Laurence Rossignol and Olivier Faure but everyone has been”.

“Laurence Rossignol was not whistled”

Another reaction, that of the socialist Lamia El Aaraje, who claims to have been present during the demonstration on Sunday, and to have found that Laurence Rossignol had not been whistled. “I was present: Laurence Rossignol was not whistled, she was applauded. It is not women who have been hissed but political groups who consider the veil as a freedom women What the Iranian women tell us is that it is NOT A FREEDOM”, assures the spokesperson of the PS.

Unsurprisingly, the question of the veil continues to strongly divide within the left. For Sandrine Rousseau, defending the freedom to wear the veil in France is not incompatible with supporting Iranian women who want to do without it. “The freedom to dress is valid in Iran as in France,” she summed up. On the other hand, some so-called “universalist” feminists, like Laurence Rossignol, fight the wearing of the veil, which she considers first of all as an object of submission.

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