Sarakiniko, Neo New Wave – Liberation

by time news

2023-10-28 02:49:00

Second album as original as it is powerful for a young Breton who knew how to free himself from his models to seek a unique place in the landscape of French rock.

Despite a program in 2022 at the TransMusicales de Rennes and some good reviews received for his first album Red Forest, it is not insulting to say that Sarakiniko has not yet met a large audience. We must hope that this will change with Dehors, which confirms the singularity of this group which is not entirely one, since it is essentially carried by the Breton Yann Canévet. A second album, produced by James Aparicio, a Briton renowned for his sonic manipulations and having collaborated with Spiritualized and Liars, which has the particularity of having a particularly intense and disconcerting sound, a bit as if it had been recorded one night storm where the gusts infiltrated the studio console. A sound of cataclysm, intense and psychedelic, serving a clear inspiration, the new wave of the 80s that Sarakiniko revisits with a modern look and some electronic rhythms.

If the name he gave himself is not a reference to the legendary Komakino of Joy Division, but that of a Greek beach with a lunar landscape, the name of the label that Yann Canévet himself created to release his productions is deliciously ironic: the House of Crows. As for the title which opens this record, it seems to be very much inspired by the famous In Between Days by The Cure dating from 1985. A little further, it is the influence of the Velvet Underground, precursor of new wave, which is feel in Lovers Stay Mortal. However, it is not for her ability to produce pastiches, sung alternately in English and French, that Sarakiniko impresses, but for her way of unleashing the elements while letting the melody speak while everything seems to disappear in a maelstrom of ” noise”. Raw without being brutal, each song has the appearance of a prophetic vision, carrying you away without you really understanding what is happening. In the eternal debate on the relevance of French rock, Sarakiniko has just scored serious points. We are waiting for the sequel.

Sarakiniko Outside (The House of Crows)

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#Sarakiniko #Neo #Wave #Liberation

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