Saranya Mohan

by time news

The jackpot has been hit for the actress who screamed as Dhanush Padama.

Saranya Mohan About Yaradi Nee Mohini : Dhanush is a popular actor in Tamil cinema. Yarati Nee Mohini is a movie that has been released and is very popular among the fans.

Jackpot scored for the actress who ran screaming as Dhanush Padama .. Do you know what happened in the end ??

Saranya Mohan played Nayantara’s younger sister in this film. She also starred as Vijay’s sister in Velayutham following her role as a child star in the film Respect for Love which was also released on the site.

Yaradi has walked away saying no when the film crew approached him to star in the movie Mohini. He went to the audition after the film crew asked you to buy only for the audition. Saranya Mohan is happy that she did not get this opportunity as there were a lot of people there.

Jackpot scored for the actress who ran screaming as Dhanush Padama .. Do you know what happened in the end ??

But he said he got the opportunity and continued to get boating opportunities. Maybe I told Yaradi that if you had missed the Mohini opportunity I would not have got so many opportunities.

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