Science keeps alive the hope of a better future – DiarioVea

by time news

2023-06-16 15:03:04

VEA / Mincyt

Venezuela, Latin America and the Caribbean in full, accompanied this Thursday, June 15, the Venezuelan physicist Anamaría Font, who received the International Prize for Women and Science 2023, granted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture (Unesco).

The outstanding researcher and professor was awarded at the headquarters of the international organization in Paris, France, along with other women from around the world. From this important platform, Font thanked his family, friends and collaborators for supporting his career, which has contributed to the area of ​​theoretical particle physics with his study of String Theory, an investigation that delves into the implications of the hypothesis for the structure of matter and quantum gravity.

“It is an honor to be recognized by this international award, which is synonymous with excellence. This motivates me to continue researching and teaching. The world needs science and science needs women”, was part of Professor Font’s speech, before Unesco.

He recalled that his interest in science was born “in a small town in eastern Venezuela,” and along his way he has had the privilege of collaborating with many outstanding physicists.

He celebrated that in Latin America more and more work is being done to give access to education in the area of ​​science, making this field increasingly inclusive for girls and young people.

“Women need support and a level playing field in the workplace. They must be attracted to science and given access to high-quality education at all levels. The scientific achievements of women have to come to light, as is happening tonight,” she emphasized.

Font specified that Latin America has a higher percentage of women in science than the rest of the world. Data published in 2022 by Unesco, estimate that the region has 45.8% of women researchers; In this sense, the Venezuelan physicist reiterated the importance of exercising her profession and research in Venezuela and anywhere in the world.

In her speech, the professor praised her workhouse, the Faculty of Sciences of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), where she taught Mathematical Methods for Physics II, and thanked students and colleagues for their shared efforts to maintain a high academic level.

“I will raise my voice to greet them and really, all the people who are actively involved in science and education in Venezuela and in all other parts of the world. Despite many difficulties, they keep alive the hope of a better future”, he said.

#Science #alive #hope #future #DiarioVea

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