Science straight to the point | Artemis Diary

by time news

2023-11-16 13:24:00

That good practices and experiences are protagonists of the exchange is the main objective of the VII International Rice Meeting and the III Grain Symposium, promoted by the Grain Research Institute (IIG), located in Bauta.

After a time paralyzed by the epidemiological situation that affected Cuba years ago, the event returns to its in-person modality, scheduled for July 25 to 29, 2024 in Varadero, Matanzas. This was announced in the call launched by said institution, this time under the motto “Science and innovation for grain production in Cuba.”

The event will support the country’s will on one of the most important fronts today and with it, new alliances are expected to be established between Cuban and foreign researchers, professors, specialists, students, businessmen and producers, according to engineer Daysbel Toledo Díaz, director of investigations of the aforementioned center.

“It is the most important international event that the IIG has. Therefore, we have proposed a comprehensive program that will extend beyond the exchanges planned in Matanzas. We consider that it is the opportunity to meet again and share the results of the work carried out in recent years, which – we foresee – will have a great impact on national and international food programs,” he specified.

The institute’s extension producers will report on the main lines of work, practices related to irrigation, agroindustrial behavior in obtaining rice varieties, among other topics. As a whole, all will favor the establishment of a synergy between work, production and research systems.

“In addition to the conferences and workshops, the program includes collateral activities with foreign projects and agencies that can support collaboration and scientific development within the IIG. There will also be debates with representatives of prestigious universities around the world, whose purpose will be to contribute to a just and necessary cause for humanity: food,” Toledo Díaz added.

In the last edition of the event, countries from the Caribbean and the region made up the extensive list of attendees, to which other nations from the African continent joined. For the next one, a number of them will return to stimulate the updating of knowledge on genetic diversity, sustainable and efficient practices in grain production, and other innovative topics such as technologies in agriculture.

#Science #straight #point #Artemis #Diary

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