Science supports that you swear: there is an explanation

by time news

2023-04-30 07:04:00

Do you feel comfortable after saying a bad word? Do you feel the need to use the prefix ‘puto’ or ‘puta’ on almost any word to intensify its meaning? Are you aware that you insult even the television? Well, nobody calls you vulgar or foul-mouthed, because it makes perfect sense for you to do so.

This is confirmed by a study published in Lingua magazine, which reveals that tacos produce “a exceptionally powerful means of emotional expression and of achieving interpersonal relationshipsboth positive and negative”. In addition, they help the persuasiveness and credibility of your messages.

To this day, the most recognizable swear words, according to the authors, usually fall into one of three main categories: religion; sex and sexual parts of the body (like fuck or pussy); and words related to bodily excretions (for example, piss or shit).

Proven benefits of blaspheming

In the work published in the journal Lingua, the authors have verified other benefits. For example, blaspheming shows strong links to emotion, both at a cathartic and expressive level. Those who say them perceive that they contain emotional force, something that can come in handy depending on the type of conversation we are having. In addition, in laboratory studies it has been shown to produce emotional arousal.

They can also be processed differently in the brain compared to other speech activities and produce greater recall in memory. They generally require more attention and cognitive processing than other linguistic stimuli. And there are even studies that indicate that they produce a incrise of cardiac frecuency.

A less obvious benefit of blasphemy is its hypoalgesic effect: increases pain tolerance and its threshold. The authors of the work also point out that it increases power and strength in physical activity tasks.

The most used expletives in Spain

Many of these swear words are insults. Well, thanks to work led by Jon Andoni Duñabeitiadirector of the Cognitive Science Center of the Faculty of Languages ​​and Education of Nebrija University, and Maria del Carmen Mendez Santosprofessor of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Alicante, we know that asshole, imbecile and bastard/bastard are the most frequent insults in Spain. They complete the ‘top 10’ subnormal, son of a bitch / son of a bitch, fool / fool, idiot, puto / whore, asshole / asshole and clown / clown.

As a result of the participation of more than 2,500 people from all the autonomous communities of Spain, they achieved collect more than 8,000 insults that the authors classified by its frequency of use, the age, origin and gender identity of the speakers. Many were regional. A mamarracho, fool, carapijo or bumblebee (linnet in Catalan), it is not said everywhere. Douchebag? That is universal.

“In the end, we understand that it is a matter of globalization of Spanish. We are all traveling through different autonomous communities and we have quite internalized the insults in our speech“, assures researcher Jon Andoni Duñabeitia.

A violent action, but not so much

The director of the Center for Cognitive Science of the Nebrija School of Languages ​​and Education explains that more insults are said in Spain than in other English-speaking countries. Because? “There are many explanations, depending on the area of ​​study from which one stands. From Psychology and Neuroscience, the insult works like a little valve that releases pressure from that emotional pressure cooker that we all are. Faced with certain emotionally charged moments, stress or events that we did not expect and that have a negative character, we react with this to a first response in this violent, but very accepted way, “he explains.

Jon Andoni Duñabeitia: “Insults work like a small valve that releases pressure from that emotional pressure cooker that we all are”

“Es much easier to say an insult than to hit the table, and it is good for us to channel that negative energy out without doing too much harm to anyone”, he continues. “In the end we are touching brain systems that are related to deep emotions, while conventional language works on another level, both for the speaker and the interlocutor”. that, he assures, “there is no gratuitous insult”.

Coprolalia, the most confusing symptom of Tourette Syndrome

Coprolalia is one of the most confusing symptoms of Tourette Syndrome. It is the involuntary expression of obscene words, socially inappropriate or derogatory comments, which implies that some patients chain one cue after another without being able to avoid it. There are also examples that include references to the genital areas, excrement and sexual acts, according to the American Tourette Association. Jon Andoni Duñabeitia explains that it is one more tic of people who suffer from this syndrome.

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