Scientists spoke about the high contagiousness of “Omicron”

by time news

According to the latest data from scientists, the new strain of COVID-19 “Omicron” is characterized by a high degree of infectivity and a high rate of spread. After being infected, a person can become a source of the virus in a few hours, said Alexander Semyonov, head of the Yekaterinburg branch of the Vector center of Rospotrebnadzor.

According to the scientist, the old strains made a person infectious in a few days, but with the new version of the coronavirus, the danger arises much earlier.

“You can become a distributor of the virus … by the evening,” he said.

At the same time, the scientist noted that at the same time this strain is excreted from the body much faster – in about one week.

Earlier, the head of the Gamaleya Center, Alexander Gintsburg, said that he doubted the end of the pandemic on the Omicron strain.

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