Scientists warn: can humans get ‘zombie deer disease’?

by time news

2023-12-28 23:52:04

In recent hours, a disease that affects animals and which could also affect people has become a trend again, which is why we reveal to you if the Humans can catch zombie deer disease.

A couple of years ago, this condition became known, which began in some states of the United States and Canada, called Chronic Wasting Diseasebut also known as ‘zombie deer disease’.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States (CDC), this condition is chronic wasting disease, which affects these animals.

This strange disease affects deer, reindeer and elk, however, concerns about possible contagion in humans increase, since there is currently no cure for the disease.

At the moment, scientists continue to analyze the possibility of humans becoming infected with the virus that has been recorded in areas of North America, Canada, Norway and South Korea.

Humans can catch zombie deer disease. Photo: iStock

After the recent information became known, many people wonder if the Humans can catch ‘deer disease’ zombie‘.

Therefore, the co-director of the program at the United States Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy, Cory Anderson, warned about the possible risk that the livestock of these animals could infect people.

How is chronic wasting disease transmitted?

If you have been informed that there is chronic cachexia,deer disease zombie‘, can be spread through contact with the animal, as well as indirectly, with objects or environments contaminated with infectious material, such as:

SalivaUrineFecesInfected animal carcassesDandruff

It is worth mentioning that this disease could also be transmitted through food, which is why specialists have warned people who eat meat to be careful about feeding on animals infected with chronic wasting disease, or that are in contact with their fluids.

Humans can catch zombie deer disease. Photo: iStock

What are the symptoms of chronic wasting disease?

You should know that the symptoms are very silent, so sick animals could develop the disease up to a year after contracting it.

Among the most common symptoms of the disease are the following:

Weight lossTripsNeurological discomfort

Remember that until today there is no vaccine, treatment or cure that can act against chronic wasting disease, which is why it is fatal for infected animals.

What disease can deer transmit?

At the moment it has not been confirmed that this disease can infect humans, but you should know that there are also other conditions such as Lyme’s desease.

This condition is caused by a bacteria that is transmitted by deer ticks and can cause symptoms that affect the skin, nervous system, heart or joints of humans.

Now that you know if humans can be infected with ‘zombie deer disease’, we invite you to watch the following video and stay alert to this complicated condition.

#Scientists #warn #humans #zombie #deer #disease

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