Seaside resorts, ‘this ugly law must be changed’ – Science and Technology

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ROME, OCTOBER 10 – “An ugly law that damages the current operators and risks destroying the Italian equipped bathing establishment which constitutes the country’s heritage”. This is the opinion on the latest government intervention in the sector, which emerged in Rimini at Ttg during the Assembly of seaside entrepreneurs organized by Sib Confcommercio, Fiba Confesercenti and Oasi Italia.
“A law that affects not only beach resorts but the entire seaside sector: the most precious part of Italian tourism.
We have sent parliamentarians of all political parties a set of amendments to profoundly correct the legislative decree passed by the government. He made a mistake in not having involved, in the drafting of the new regulations, not only the category concerned, but not even the Regions and Municipalities”, add the associations. “Just as he made a mistake in having challenged the Tuscan law which seeks to guarantee a higher compensation right to the dealers who were to lose the concession. We hope that Parliament will implement them.
We will implement any union and judicial initiative that will be necessary to safeguard the work and the fruit of the work of Italian seaside resorts“, they conclude. (ANSA).

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