Selenski calls for resistance

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Ukrainian President

Volodymyr Zelensky has again addressed his people with a video message.

(Photo: dpa)

New York The Ukrainian head of state, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, wants to have all agreements reached in negotiations with Russia decided by a nationwide referendum. The head of state announced this on Monday evening on television. The final form of compromises with Russia on security guarantees and on the occupied areas of Ukraine must be approved in a referendum. Both warring parties are currently negotiating with each other. However, there are no concrete agreements yet.

The negotiations with Moscow are initially about a neutral status for Ukraine and international security guarantees for the country. “To find a way out, you have to take a first step,” said Zelenski. “And once we’ve done that, we can talk.”

He would then be ready to talk about the occupied territories at a meeting with his adversary, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin. This means Crimea and the breakaway, self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. Among other things, Moscow is demanding that Crimea be recognized as Russian territory.

He doesn’t expect to resolve all issues in talks with Putin. “But there is a chance to solve part of it, to end the war,” Zelenskiy said. At the same time, he warned Putin against continuing the war: “By destroying us, Putin is destroying himself.”

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In the face of increasing violence against civilians, the President called on his compatriots to resist Russian troops and to persevere. In a video message, he appealed to the Ukrainians to do everything they could to protect the state. “To save our people. fights Fight and help!”

Rubble landscapes in Kyiv: drone images show the extent of the destruction

The head of state, who was staying in Kyiv, called for the “invaders” to be expelled. “So that Ukraine lives, and all of us together with her, free and in peace.” In his address to the “great people of great Ukraine,” Zelensky described the Russian military as “tourists with tanks” and “slaves to their propaganda, which changed consciousness”.

Biden: Russia is considering using chemical warfare agents

Russian warfare continues to raise questions. In particular, there is a lack of clarity about the possible use of a hypersonic missile. US President Joe Biden interpreted the use of the so-called Kinzhal missile as a weakness of Russia. The step makes it clear that Putin has his back to the wall, Biden said on Monday evening in Washington.

It has not yet been confirmed whether such a weapon was actually used. According to Russia, it has used the new weapon twice in Ukraine in the past few days. According to Russian information, the rockets, which are about eight meters long, fly extremely fast and extremely high, but remain manoeuvrable. They are therefore very difficult to intercept.

US Defense Department spokesman John Kirby did not directly confirm the deployment of the Kishal missile Monday. “We have seen the Russians claim that they are using a hypersonic missile. We are unable to refute this claim, but neither are we able to independently verify it,” he said.

US President

Joe Biden fears the use of chemical warfare agents in Ukraine.

(Photo: Reuters)

The US also reiterated warnings that Russia was considering using chemical warfare agents in Ukraine. US President Biden accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of preparing the ground for the use of these internationally banned weapons with untrue claims.

Putin has his back to the wall and makes statements that are not true. Russia claims that Ukraine has biological and chemical weapons. “It’s a clear sign he’s considering using both weapons.”

Mayor urges civilians to leave Boryspil

Apparently in anticipation of Russian attacks, the mayor of Boryspil has called on civilians to leave the city. His call also applies to all civilians who have fled from other parts of Ukraine to the city south-east of Kyiv, said Volodymyr Borisenko on Tuesday night.

The appeal for evacuation was made for purely military-tactical reasons. “Experience from other places fought over has shown that the work of the armed forces is easier when there is less civilian population in the city,” Borissenko said. “There is no reason to stay in the city, there is already fighting in the area.”

Boryspil with almost 60,000 inhabitants is located almost 30 kilometers southeast of Kyiv.

The US Department of Defense believes that Russian troops in Ukraine are deliberately targeting civilian targets. Ministry spokesman Kirby said: “We continue to see indiscriminate attacks on civilians, which we believe are premeditated in many cases.” It is clear that the attacks have resulted in a growing number of civilian casualties. “There’s no justification for that.”

More on the Ukraine war:

At the same time, Kirby emphasized that the Russians’ plans are not known exactly. He was asked whether the US government believed that attacks on civilians were part of Russia’s strategy. President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused Russia of war crimes last week. But they had also made it clear that this was their personal opinion.

The US government has not yet officially classified the Russian attacks as war crimes. White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said last week that the State Department is reviewing information about possible war crimes and passing it on to relevant international organizations.

The UN General Assembly is scheduled to meet on Ukraine on Wednesday

The United Nations General Assembly is scheduled to meet on Wednesday to consider another resolution. The draft resolution entitled “Humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine” was expected to receive broad approval in the largest UN body with 193 members. According to diplomats, it was likely, but not entirely certain, that a vote would also take place on the same day.

According to diplomats, the aim is to achieve at least 141 yes votes again, as was the case with a resolution in early March. That resolution had condemned Russia’s war. However, there is also a competing draft resolution from South Africa that makes no mention of Russia’s aggression. It was initially unclear whether this text would be put to the vote.

According to the UN, the war in Ukraine has so far claimed almost 900 civilian lives

The first draft, which is available to the German Press Agency and was drawn up by Germany, among others, is clearly aimed at Russia and demands, among other things, “an immediate cessation of hostilities by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, in particular all attacks on civilians and civilians objects”. Moscow must immediately withdraw its armed forces from Ukraine.

The second Russian bond is also serviced

Russia has apparently managed to avert a second state bankruptcy as a result of Western sanctions. The US bank JPMorgan Chase & Co. has initiated Russia’s pending interest payments on a government bond due in 2029, a financial market participant told Reuters. Russia was due to make a $66 million bond payment to creditors on Monday.

JPMorgan was working with the US Treasury Department to obtain the necessary approvals, the financial markets participant familiar with the process said. The payment has moved to the next step before the money is paid out to bondholders.

In a first case last week, Russia served the owners of parts of a bond. The payments are seen as a test of whether the government in Moscow can meet its international debt obligations after the West also wants to hit the Russian financial market with sanctions.

With agency material
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